"use strict"; /* * This file contains utility functions, data structures and * stuff not related to what this project actually does. */ function germanDateString(inputDate) { var dateString = ""; var d = inputDate.getDate(); var m = inputDate.getMonth()+1; // Don't ask. var y = inputDate.getFullYear(); if(d < 10) dateString += "0"; dateString += d.toString(); dateString += "."; if(m < 10) dateString += "0"; dateString += m.toString(); dateString += "."; dateString += y.toString(); return dateString; } /* Define global structure for the loading dialog */ var loadingDialog = { // Function to signal that another item was progressed itemFinished: function() { }, // Hide the dialog hide: function() { $(document).ready(function($) { $("#overlay").fadeOut(350, "linear", function(){ $("#overlay").css("display", "none"); }); }); } }; // transforms the raceData to a format, with which lineDataDefinition can work function transformRaceDataToLineData(raceData){ // define the lines var lineData = []; raceData.drivers.forEach((driver, drivIn)=>{ lineData.push(); var lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat = []; lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat.push({'lap': 0, 'position': getPositionOfQualifying(raceData, driver) }); raceData.lapTimes.forEach((lap, lapIn) => { var drivPos = processor.getPositionOfDriver(driver, lap, raceData.drivers.length + 1 ); if( drivPos < raceData.drivers.length + 1 ){ lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat.push({ 'lap': lapIn, 'position': processor.getPositionOfDriver(driver, lap, raceData.drivers.length + 1 ), 'driverId': driver.driverId}); } }); lineData.splice(drivIn, 0, lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat); }); return lineData; } function transformPitStopDataToPointData(raceData){ var pointData = []; raceData.pitStops.forEach(pitStop => { var randomData = raceData['lapTimes'].get(pitStop.lap); var position = null; //TODO for(var i = 0; i< randomData.length;i++){ if(randomData[i].driverId == pitStop.driverId){ position = randomData[i].position; break; } } //console.log(position); pointData.push({'position': position, "lap": pitStop.lap}); }); return pointData; } // eigentlich war für TickData gedacht function getDriverCodeAndPositionArray(raceData, lapNumber){ var posDriverCode = []; if(lapNumber == 0){ raceData.qualifying.forEach(qualData => { posDriverCode.push(getDriverCodeById(raceData, qualData.driverId) + " " + qualData.position) }); } return posDriverCode; } function getDriverNameById(raceData, driverId){ var driverData = raceData.drivers.filter(driv => driv.driverId == driverId)[0]; if(driverData === undefined) return "XXX"; // TODO: Do a real fix instead of this quick fix return driverData.forename + " " + driverData.surname; } function getDriverCodeById(raceData, driverId){ var driverData = raceData.drivers.filter(driv => driv.driverId == driverId)[0]; if(driverData === undefined) return "XXX"; // TODO: Do a real fix instead of this quick fix return driverData.code; } function removeDuplicates(result,obj){ if (result.indexOf(obj) < 0 ) result.push(obj); return result; } function getValidEndingStatusIds(){ var results = []; var allStatus = queries.getStatus(); results.push(1); for(var key in allStatus){ if(key === undefined) continue; if(allStatus[key].status.match(/^\+[0-9]+/g)){ results.push(parseInt(key)); } } return results; } function getColorValue(index, all){ var r = 0; var g = 0; var b = 0; var step = 255*3 / all; var colorValue = index * step; return "hsl(" + colorValue + ", " + 100 + "%, 35% )"; } /** data - own user data pagename - the page where the image will be taken from imagesize - target image size callback(data,imageURL) - callback that will be called. Arguments are the provided user data (data) and the final imageURL. **/ function getImageFromWikipedia(data,pageName,imagesize,callback){ $.ajax({ url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php", data: { format: "json", action: "query", titles: pageName, prop:"pageimages", pithumbsize:imagesize, }, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function (dataResult) { for(var key in dataResult.query.pages){ var d = dataResult.query.pages[key]; callback(data,d.thumbnail.source); } } }); }; function renderRaceInfoBox(race) { var raceInfo = race.raceInfo; var circuit = preprocessor.getResults().circuits[raceInfo.circuitId]; //console.log(raceInfo); var content = ""; content = "
Position | "; content += "Rank | "; content += "Code | "; content += "Points | "; content += "Fastest Lap Speed | "; content += "Status | "; content += "Forename | "; content += "Surname | "; content += "Nationality | "; content += "Birthday | "; content += "Wikipedia | "; content += "
"+driver.position+" | "; content += ""+driver.rank+" | "; content += ""+driver.code+" | "; content += ""+driver.points+" | "; content += ""+driver.fastestLapSpeed+" | "; content += ""+statusData[driver.statusId].status+" | "; content += ""+driver.forename+" | "; content += ""+driver.surname+" | "; content += ""+driver.nationality+" | "; content += ""+germanDateString(driver.dob)+" | "; content += "Wikipedia | "; content += "