232 lines
7.5 KiB
232 lines
7.5 KiB
"use strict";
* This file contains utility functions, data structures and
* stuff not related to what this project actually does.
/* Define global structure for the loading dialog */
var loadingDialog = {
id: "#loading-dialog",
progressItems: 1,
progressItemsDone: 0,
// Initialize+Show the loading dialog with a number of items to progress
show: function(progressItems = 1) {
this.progressItems = progressItems;
this.progressItemsDone = 0;
// Function to signal that another item was progressed
itemFinished: function() {
// Hide the dialog
hide: function() {
// Private function to update the progress bar shown
_updateProgressBar: function() {
var percentage = (this.progressItemsDone / this.progressItems) * 100;
if(percentage < 0 || isNaN(percentage)) percentage = 0;
if(percentage > 100) percentage = 100;
$(this.id + " .progress-bar").attr("style", "width: " + percentage + "%;");
// transforms the raceData to a format, with which lineDataDefinition can work
function transformRaceDataToLineData(raceData){
// define the lines
var lineData = [];
raceData.drivers.forEach((driver, drivIn)=>{
var lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat = [];
lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat.push({'lap': 0, 'position': getPositionOfQualifying(raceData, driver) });
raceData.lapTimes.forEach((lap, lapIn) => {
var drivPos = processor.getPositionOfDriver(driver, lap, raceData.drivers.length + 1 );
if( drivPos < raceData.drivers.length + 1 ){
lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat.push({ 'lap': lapIn, 'position': processor.getPositionOfDriver(driver, lap, raceData.drivers.length + 1 ), 'driverId': driver.driverId});
lineData.splice(drivIn, 0, lapsOfDriverInLineDataFormat);
return lineData;
function transformPitStopDataToPointData(raceData){
var pointData = [];
raceData.pitStops.forEach(pitStop => {
var randomData = raceData['lapTimes'].get(pitStop.lap);
var position = null; //TODO
for(var i = 0; i< randomData.length;i++){
if(randomData[i].driverId == pitStop.driverId){
position = randomData[i].position;
pointData.push({'position': position, "lap": pitStop.lap});
return pointData;
// eigentlich war für TickData gedacht
function getDriverCodeAndPositionArray(raceData, lapNumber){
var posDriverCode = [];
if(lapNumber == 0){
raceData.qualifying.forEach(qualData => {
posDriverCode.push(getDriverCodeById(raceData, qualData.driverId) + " " + qualData.position)
return posDriverCode;
function getDriverCodeById(raceData, driverId){
return raceData.drivers.filter(driv => driv.driverId == driverId)[0].code;
function removeDuplicates(result,obj){
if (result.indexOf(obj) < 0 ) result.push(obj);
return result;
function getValidEndingStatusIds(){
var results = [];
var allStatus = queries.getStatus();
for(var key in allStatus){
if(key === undefined) continue;
return results;
function getColorValue(index, all){
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
var step = 255*3 / all;
var colorValue = index * step;
return "hsl(" + colorValue + ", " + 100 + "%, 35% )";
data - own user data
pagename - the page where the image will be taken from
imagesize - target image size
callback(data,imageURL) - callback that will be called. Arguments are the provided
user data (data) and the final imageURL.
function getImageFromWikipedia(data,pageName,imagesize,callback){
url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php",
data: {
format: "json",
action: "query",
titles: pageName,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (dataResult) {
for(var key in dataResult.query.pages){
var d = dataResult.query.pages[key];
function renderRaceInfoBox(race) {
var raceInfo = race.raceInfo;
var circuit = preprocessor.getResults().circuits[raceInfo.circuitId];
var content = "";
content = "<h1 data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"#"+raceInfo.raceId+"\">"+raceInfo.name+" "+raceInfo.date.getFullYear()+"</h1>";
content += "<h5>"+circuit.name+" ("+circuit.location+", "+circuit.country+")</h5>";
content += "<h6>"+raceInfo.date.toLocaleDateString("de-DE")+"</h6>"
content += "<div class=\"text-right\">";
content += "<a class=\"btn btn-primary\" target=\"_blank\" href=\""+raceInfo.url+"\" role=\"button\">See Race on Wikipedia</a> ";
content += "<a class=\"btn btn-primary\" target=\"_blank\" href=\""+circuit.url+"\" role=\"button\">See Circuit on Wikipedia</a> ";
content += "<a class=\"btn btn-primary\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.google.com/maps/?q="+circuit.lat+","+circuit.lng+"\" role=\"button\">See Circuit on GoogleMaps</a>";
content += "</div>";
return content;
function renderDriverInfoBox(race) {
var raceInfo = race.raceInfo;
var drivers = race.drivers;
var statusData = preprocessor.getResults().status
// Assign results to drivers
for(var ri in race.results) {
var driverResult = race.results[ri];
for(var di in drivers) {
var driver = drivers[di];
// :-(
if(driverResult.driverId == driver.driverId) {
Object.assign(drivers[di], driverResult);
var content = "";
// Table header
content += "<table id=\"driver-table\" class=\"table table-striped table-bordered\">";
content += "<thead>";
content += "<tr>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Rank</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Code</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Points</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Fastest Lap Speed</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Status</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Forename</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Surname</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Nationality</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Birthday</th>";
content += "<th scope=\"col\">Wikipedia</th>";
content += "</tr>";
content += "</thead>";
// Table body
content += "<tbody>";
for(var di in drivers) {
var driver = drivers[di];
// Replace NaN with something proper
if(isNaN(driver.position)) {
driver.position = "-/-";
driver.sortableRank = driver.rank;
if(driver.sortableRank < 1) driver.sortableRank = 999;
if(isNaN(driver.fastestLapSpeed)) driver.fastestLapSpeed = 0;
content += "<tr>";
content += "<th scope=\"row\" data-sort=\""+driver.sortableRank+"\">"+driver.rank+"</th>";
content += "<td>"+driver.code+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.points+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.fastestLapSpeed+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+statusData[driver.statusId].status+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.forename+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.surname+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.nationality+"</td>";
content += "<td>"+driver.dob.toLocaleDateString("de-DE")+"</td>";
content += "<td><a target=\"_blank\" href=\""+driver.url+"\">Wikipedia</a></td>";
content += "</tr>";
content += "</tbody>";
content += "</table>";
return content;