# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base from sqlalchemy.orm import Session class Project(): """ A helper class representing a Citavi project. """ def __init__(self, sqlite_file): """ Constructor to get absolute path to sqlite. """ self.sqlite_file = sqlite_file self._is_open = False self._is_error = False self._sa = {} # Object namespace for sqlalchemy related objects def __del__(self): """ Destructor to close the citavi file. """ self.close() def is_valid(self): """ This method returns False in case the given sqlite file is not a valid Citavi project. """ return self._is_open and not self._is_error def get_persons(self): """ Returns all persons from the Citavi project. """ try: person_class = self._sa_sqlite_autobase.classes.Person citavi_persons = self._sa_sqlite_session.query(person_class).all() return citavi_persons except: self._is_error = True # TODO: better error handling! print "An error occured within a get_persons call!" return False def get_person_by_uuid(self, uuid): """ Returns a person from the Citavi project by their uuid. """ try: person_class = self._sa_sqlite_autobase.classes.Person citavi_person = self._sa_sqlite_session.query(person_class).filter('ID=\'' + str(uuid) + '\'').all() return citavi_person[0] except: self._is_error = True # TODO: better error handling! print "An error occured within a get_person_by_uuid call!" return False def open(self): """ Public method to open a citavi project file. """ if not self._is_open: self._open() def close(self): """ Public method to close a citavi project file. """ if self._is_open: self._close() def _open(self): """ Internal method to open a citavi project file. """ try: self._sa_sqlite_engine = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlite:///' + self.sqlite_file) self._sa_sqlite_session = Session(self._sa_sqlite_engine) self._sa_sqlite_meta = MetaData(bind=self._sa_sqlite_engine) self._sa_sqlite_meta.reflect() self._sa_sqlite_autobase = automap_base() self._sa_sqlite_autobase.prepare(self._sa_sqlite_engine, reflect=True) self._is_open = True except: self._is_error = True self._is_open = False def _close(self): """ Internal method to actually close a citavi project file. """ try: del self._sa.sqlite_engine del self._sa.sqlite_session del self._sa.sqlite_meta del self._sa.sqlite_autobase del self._sa.sqlite_engine self._is_open = False except: self._is_error = True self._is_open = True class ProjectManager(): """ A backend to provide fast access to Citavi identity data. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor initializing dictionary for instances of Project. """ self._projects = {} def __del__(self): """ Destructor making sure all Project instances are properly deconstructed. """ self._projects.clear() def get_path_for_project_id(self, project_id): return 'media/citavi/project_' + str(project_id) + '.ctt4' def _add_project(self, project_id): """ Internal method to add a Project instance if not existing. """ if project_id not in self._projects: self._projects[project_id] = Project(self.get_path_for_project_id(project_id)) self._projects[project_id].open() def get_person_by_uuid(self, project_id, uuid): self._add_project(project_id) return self._projects[project_id].get_person_by_uuid(uuid) def get_persons_from_project(self, project_id): self._add_project(project_id) return self._projects[project_id].get_persons() """ def import_sqlite(project_id, sqlite_file): print "This is import_sqlite speaking!" print project_id print sqlite_file print "Importing data..." # Initialize sqlite part sqlite_engine = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlite:///project_import_9.ctt4', echo=True) sqlite_session = Session(sqlite_engine) sqlite_meta = MetaData(bind=sqlite_engine) sqlite_meta.reflect() # Initialize postresql part psql_engine = create_engine("postgresql://citavi_mapper:foobar2000@localhost:5432/citavi_mapper") psql_session = Session(psql_engine) psql_engine.execute(CreateSchema('alchemytest')) # TODO: Catch Exception/Warning/Whatever here psql_meta = MetaData(bind=psql_engine, schema='alchemytest') # Reflect the origin - maybe psql_meta.reflect() is enough? sqlite_autobase = automap_base() sqlite_autobase.prepare(sqlite_engine, reflect=True) # This small snippet prints python class code for sqlalchemy reflected classes for table in sqlite_meta.sorted_tables: table_name = str(table) columns = table.columns.items() print "class " + table_name + "(Base):" print " __tablename__ = '" + table_name + "'" print for column_tuple in columns: column_name = column_tuple[0] actual_sqlalchemy_column = column_tuple[1] column_type = str(vars(actual_sqlalchemy_column)['type']) column_type = str(vars(actual_sqlalchemy_column)['type']) #print table_name + "." + column_name + ': ' + column_type print " " + column_name + " = Column(" + column_type + ")" print print # Shove it up into postgresql's ... you know. psql_meta.create_all(psql_engine) #sqlite_meta.reflect() #meta.tables['Reference'] #meta.tables['ReferenceAuthor'].select().execute().fetchall() # Now we need to "convert" unsupported types :-/ for table in meta.sorted_tables: table_name = str(table) columns = table.columns.items() for column_tuple in columns: column_name = column_tuple[0] actual_sqlalchemy_column = column_tuple[1] column_type = str(vars(actual_sqlalchemy_column)['type']) print table_name + "." + column_name + ': ' + column_type print print """