$(function() { console.log("I'm alive!"); //setup the draggable content containers $(".content-container").draggable({ //"containment": $("#content-grid-container"), //this seems buggy? "distance": 10, "handle": "h1", "helper": "clone", "revert": "invalid", "revertDuration": 50, "scope": "widget", "scroll": false, "snap": true, "start": function(event, ui) { //set width and height of dragged clone to originals dimensions $(ui.helper[0]).width(event.target.clientWidth).height(event.target.clientHeight); //change opacity of original to indicate it is being dragged $(event.target).css("opacity", "0.3"); //also change opacity of dragged clone to help the user see $(ui.helper[0]).css("opacity", "0.3"); }, "stop": function(event, ui) { //reset opacity of original $(event.target).css("opacity", ""); } }); //setup the dropzones $(".content-column").droppable({ "scope": "widget", "tolerance": "pointer", "drop": function(event, ui) { $(event.target).css("background-color", ""); console.log(["drop", event, ui]); }, "over": function(event, ui) { $(event.target).css("background-color", "hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.4);"); console.log(["over", event, ui]); }, "out": function(event, ui) { $(event.target).css("background-color", ""); console.log(["out", event, ui]); } }); });