# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from wtforms.validators import ValidationError class ConfigClass(object): """ Configuration class """ SECRET_KEY = 'THIS IS AN INSECURE SECRET' # Change this for production! SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///minimal_app.sqlite' # Use Sqlite file db CSRF_ENABLED = True USER_ENABLE_EMAIL = True USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_USERNAME = True USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD = True USER_ENABLE_FORGOT_PASSWORD = True USER_ENABLE_REGISTRATION = True # Turn to False to disable registration. """ Configure Flask-Mail """ MAIL_SERVER = 'your.mailserver.here' MAIL_PORT = 587 MAIL_USE_SSL = True MAIL_USE_TLS = True # Use this for STARTTLS! MAIL_USERNAME = '' MAIL_PASSWORD = '' MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = '"Example Sender" ' """ Default Admin User """ DDNS_ADMIN_USERNAME = 'admin' DDNS_ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'SuperSecretAdminPassword' DDNS_ADMIN_EMAIL = 'admin@service.example' def username_validator(form, field): """ Since usernames will be used for subdomains, take your time here. """ username = field.data if len(username) < 4: raise ValidationError(_('Username must be at least 4 characters long')) if not username.isalnum(): raise ValidationError(_('Username may only contain letters and numbers'))