#!/usr/bin/env python from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations import gnupg # python-gnupg import zlib import errno import stat from binascii import hexlify import os import sys import logging import struct import time from cStringIO import StringIO magic = 'GPGFS1\n' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def decrypt(gpg, path): data = file(path).read() if not data: return data res = gpg.decrypt(data) if not res.ok: raise IOError, "decryption failed, %s" % path data = zlib.decompress(res.data) log.debug('decrypted %s' % path) return data def encrypt(gpg, keyid, path, data): data = zlib.compress(data, 1) res = gpg.encrypt(data, keyid, armor=False) if not res.ok: raise IOError, "encryption failed, keyid %s, path %s" % (keyid, path) with file(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(res.data) log.debug('encrypted %s' % path) class Entry: ''' Filesystem object, either file or directory. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) # entry types: ENT_FILE = 0 ENT_DIR = 1 def read_index(gpg, path): data = decrypt(gpg, path) buf = StringIO(data) if buf.read(len(magic)) != magic: raise IOError, 'index parse error: %s' % path read_atom(buf) root = Entry(**read_dict(buf)) return root def write_index(gpg, keyid, path, root): buf = StringIO() buf.write(magic) header = '' write_atom(buf, header) write_dict(buf, root) encrypt(gpg, keyid, path, buf.getvalue()) def write_dict(fd, dct): # breadth-first children = [] buf = StringIO() if not isinstance(dct, dict): dct = dct.__dict__ for key in dct: write_atom(buf, key.encode('utf8')) val = dct[key] if isinstance(val, dict): buf.write('D') children.append(val) elif isinstance(val, Entry): buf.write('E') children.append(val) elif isinstance(val, (int, long)): buf.write('I') buf.write(struct.pack(' %s %s %s', op, repr(path), atxt) ret = '[Unhandled Exception]' try: ret = getattr(self, op)(path, *args) return ret except OSError, e: ret = str(e) raise finally: rtxt = repr(ret) if op=='read': rtxt = rtxt[:10] log.debug('<- %s %s', op, rtxt) class GpgFs(LoggingMixIn, Operations): #class GpgFs(Operations): def __init__(self, encroot, keyid): ''' :param encroot: Encrypted root directory ''' self.encroot = encroot.rstrip('/') assert os.path.exists(self.encroot) assert os.path.isdir(self.encroot) self.keyid = keyid #self.cache = cache self.gpg = gnupg.GPG() self.index_path = self.encroot + '/index' if os.path.exists(self.index_path): self.root = read_index(self.gpg, self.index_path) else: self.root = Entry(type=ENT_DIR, children={}, st_mode=0755, st_mtime=int(time.time()), st_ctime=int(time.time())) self._write_index() log.info('created %s', self.index_path) self.fd = 0 self._clear_write_cache() def _write_index(self): write_index(self.gpg, self.keyid, self.index_path, self.root) def _find(self, path, parent=False): assert path.startswith('/') if path == '/': return self.root node = self.root path = path[1:].split('/') if parent: basename = path[-1] path = path[:-1] for name in path: if name not in node.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) node = node.children[name] if parent: return node, basename return node def _clear_write_cache(self): self.write_path = None self.write_buf = [] self.write_len = 0 self.write_dirty = False def chmod(self, path, mode): # sanitize mode (clear setuid/gid/sticky bits) mode &= 0777 ent = self._find(path) if ent.type == ENT_DIR: ent.st_mode = mode self._write_index() else: encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path os.chmod(encpath, mode) def chown(self, path, uid, gid): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def create(self, path, mode): encpath = hexlify(os.urandom(20)) encpath = encpath[:2] + '/' + encpath[2:] dir, path = self._find(path, parent=True) if path in dir.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST) dir.children[path] = Entry(type=ENT_FILE, path=encpath, st_size=0) log.debug('new path %s => %s', path, encpath) encdir = self.encroot + '/' + encpath[:2] if not os.path.exists(encdir): os.mkdir(encdir, 0755) fd = os.open(self.encroot + '/' + encpath, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode & 0777) os.close(fd) self._write_index() self.fd += 1 return self.fd def flush(self, path, fh): if not self.write_dirty: log.debug('nothing to flush') return 0 ent = self._find(self.write_path) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path buf = ''.join(self.write_buf) encrypt(self.gpg, self.keyid, encpath, buf) ent.st_size = len(buf) self._write_index() self.write_buf = [buf] self.write_dirty = False log.debug('flushed %d bytes to %s', len(buf), self.write_path) return 0 def getattr(self, path, fh = None): ent = self._find(path) if ent.type == ENT_DIR: return dict(st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | ent.st_mode, st_size = 0, st_ctime = ent.st_ctime, st_mtime = ent.st_mtime, st_atime = 0, st_nlink = 3) # ensure st_size is up-to-date self.flush(path, 0) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path s = os.stat(encpath) return dict(st_mode = s.st_mode, st_size = ent.st_size, st_atime = s.st_atime, st_mtime = s.st_mtime, st_ctime = s.st_ctime, st_nlink = s.st_nlink) def getxattr(self, path, name, position = 0): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENODATA) # ENOATTR def listxattr(self, path): return [] def mkdir(self, path, mode): dir, path = self._find(path, parent=True) if path in dir.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST) dir.children[path] = Entry(type=ENT_DIR, children={}, st_mode=(mode & 0777), st_mtime=int(time.time()), st_ctime=int(time.time())) self._write_index() def open(self, path, flags): return 0 def read(self, path, size, offset, fh): self.flush(path, 0) ent = self._find(path) assert ent.type == ENT_FILE encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path data = decrypt(self.gpg, encpath) return data[offset:offset + size] def readdir(self, path, fh): dir = self._find(path) return ['.', '..'] + list(dir.children) def readlink(self, path): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def removexattr(self, path, name): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def rename(self, old, new): self.flush(old, 0) self._clear_write_cache() old_dir, old_name = self._find(old, parent=True) if old_name not in old_dir.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) new_dir, new_name = self._find(new, parent=True) if new_name in new_dir.children: ent = new_dir.children[new_name] if ent.type == ENT_FILE: os.remove(self.encroot + '/' + ent.path) elif ent.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY) new_dir.children[new_name] = old_dir.children.pop(old_name) self._write_index() def rmdir(self, path): parent, path = self._find(path, parent=True) if path not in parent.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) ent = parent.children[path] if ent.type != ENT_DIR: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTDIR) if ent.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY) del parent.children[path] self._write_index() def setxattr(self, path, name, value, options, position = 0): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def statfs(self, path): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def symlink(self, target, source): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) def truncate(self, path, length, fh = None): self.flush(path, 0) self._clear_write_cache() ent = self._find(path) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path if length == 0: with open(encpath, 'r+') as f: f.truncate(0) else: buf = decrypt(self.gpg, encpath) buf = buf[:length] encrypt(self.gpg, self.keyid, encpath, buf) ent.st_size = length self._write_index() def unlink(self, path): if self.write_path == path: # no need to flush afterwards self._clear_write_cache() dir, name = self._find(path, parent=True) if name not in dir.children: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + dir.children[name].path os.remove(encpath) del dir.children[name] self._write_index() def utimens(self, path, times = None): ent = self._find(path) if ent.type == ENT_DIR: if times is None: ent.st_mtime = int(time.time()) else: ent.st_mtime = times[1] self._write_index() else: # flush may mess with mtime self.flush(path, 0) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path os.utime(encpath, times) def write(self, path, data, offset, fh): ent = self._find(path) encpath = self.encroot + '/' + ent.path if path != self.write_path: self.flush(self.write_path, None) buf = decrypt(self.gpg, encpath) self.write_buf = [buf] self.write_len = len(buf) self.write_path = path if offset == self.write_len: self.write_buf.append(data) self.write_len += len(data) else: buf = ''.join(self.write_buf) buf = buf[:offset] + data + buf[offset + len(data):] self.write_buf = [buf] self.write_len = len(buf) self.write_dirty = True return len(data) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 4: sys.stderr.write('Usage: gpgfs \n') sys.exit(1) logpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gpgfs.log') log.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(logpath, 'w')) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fs = GpgFs(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]) FUSE(fs, sys.argv[3], foreground=True)