407 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
407 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations
import errno
import stat
import os
import sys
import logging
import struct
import time
from cStringIO import StringIO
import gpgstore
from contextlib import contextmanager
from threading import Lock
magic = 'GPGFS1\n'
log = logging.getLogger('gpgfs')
class Entry:
Filesystem object, either file or directory.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
def read_index(store, path):
if not store.exists(path):
now = time.time()
root = Entry(children={}, nlink=3, size=0,
mode=stat.S_IFDIR | 0755,
mtime=now, ctime=now)
write_index(store, path, root)
log.info('created %s', path)
return root
data = store.get(path)
buf = StringIO(data)
if buf.read(len(magic)) != magic:
raise IOError, 'index parse error: %s' % path
root = Entry(**read_dict(buf))
return root
def write_index(store, path, root):
buf = StringIO()
header = ''
write_atom(buf, header)
write_dict(buf, root)
store.put(buf.getvalue(), path=path)
def write_dict(fd, dct):
# breadth-first
children = []
buf = StringIO()
if not isinstance(dct, dict):
dct = dct.__dict__
for key in dct:
write_atom(buf, key.encode('utf8'))
val = dct[key]
if isinstance(val, dict):
elif isinstance(val, Entry):
elif isinstance(val, (int, long)):
if val < 2**32:
buf.write(struct.pack('<I', val))
buf.write(struct.pack('<Q', val))
elif isinstance(val, float):
buf.write(struct.pack('<d', val))
elif isinstance(val, str):
write_atom(buf, val)
elif isinstance(val, unicode):
write_atom(buf, val.encode('utf8'))
raise TypeError, type(val)
write_atom(fd, buf.getvalue())
for c in children:
write_dict(fd, c)
def read_dict(fd):
dct = {}
buf = read_atom(fd)
buflen = len(buf)
buf = StringIO(buf)
while buf.tell() < buflen:
key = read_atom(buf).decode('utf8')
tag = buf.read(1)
if tag == 'D': val = read_dict(fd)
elif tag == 'E': val = Entry(**read_dict(fd))
elif tag == 'I': val = struct.unpack('<I', buf.read(4))[0]
elif tag == 'L': val = struct.unpack('<Q', buf.read(8))[0]
elif tag == 'F': val = struct.unpack('<d', buf.read(8))[0]
elif tag == 'B': val = read_atom(buf)
elif tag == 'S': val = read_atom(buf).decode('utf8')
else: raise TypeError, tag
dct[key] = val
return dct
def write_atom(fd, atom):
assert isinstance(atom, str)
fd.write(struct.pack('<I', len(atom)))
def read_atom(fd):
return fd.read(struct.unpack('<I', fd.read(4))[0])
class LoggingMixIn:
def __call__(self, op, path, *args):
if op=='write':
atxt = ' '.join([repr(args[0])[:10], repr(args[1]), repr(args[2])])
atxt = ' '.join(map(repr, args))
log.debug('-> %s %s %s', op, repr(path), atxt)
ret = '[Unhandled Exception]'
ret = getattr(self, op)(path, *args)
return ret
except OSError, e:
ret = str(e)
log.exception('unhandled error in %s:', op)
rtxt = repr(ret)
if op=='read':
rtxt = rtxt[:10]
log.debug('<- %s %s', op, rtxt)
class GpgFs(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
#class GpgFs(Operations):
def __init__(self, encroot, keyid):
:param encroot: Encrypted root directory
self.encroot = encroot.rstrip('/')
assert os.path.exists(self.encroot)
assert os.path.isdir(self.encroot)
#self.cache = cache
self.store = gpgstore.GpgStore(self.encroot, keyid)
self.index_path = 'index'
self.root = read_index(self.store, self.index_path)
self.txlock = Lock()
self.fd = 0
def _find(self, path, parent=False):
assert path.startswith('/')
if path == '/':
return self.root
node = self.root
path = path[1:].split('/')
if parent:
basename = path[-1]
path = path[:-1]
for name in path:
if name not in node.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
node = node.children[name]
if parent:
return node, basename
return node
def _clear_write_cache(self):
self.write_path = None
self.write_buf = []
self.write_len = 0
self.write_dirty = False
def transaction(self):
paths = {'old': None, 'new': None}
def putx(data, old_path = None):
paths['new'] = self.store.put(data)
paths['old'] = old_path
return paths['new']
with self.txlock:
yield putx
# commit
write_index(self.store, self.index_path, self.root)
# rollback
log.warning('starting rollback')
self.root = read_index(self.store, self.index_path)
if paths['new']:
log.warning('rollback done')
log.exception('rollback failed')
if paths['old']:
def chmod(self, path, mode):
# sanitize mode (clear setuid/gid/sticky bits)
mode &= 0777
with self.transaction():
ent = self._find(path)
ent.mode = mode | (ent.mode & 0170000)
def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def create(self, path, mode):
mode &= 0777
mode |= stat.S_IFREG
with self.transaction() as putx:
parent, name = self._find(path, parent=True)
if name in parent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST)
now = time.time()
encpath = putx('')
parent.children[name] = Entry(mode=mode, encpath=encpath, size=0,
nlink=1, ctime=now, mtime=now)
parent.mtime = now
log.debug('new path %s => %s', path, encpath)
self.fd += 1
return self.fd
def flush(self, path, fh):
if not self.write_dirty:
log.debug('nothing to flush')
return 0
with self.transaction() as putx:
buf = ''.join(self.write_buf)
self.write_buf = [buf]
ent = self._find(self.write_path)
ent.size = len(buf)
ent.encpath = putx(buf, ent.encpath)
self.write_dirty = False
log.debug('flushed %d bytes to %s', len(buf), self.write_path)
return 0
def fsync(self, path, datasync, fh):
self.flush(path, fh)
return 0
def getattr(self, path, fh = None):
# don't do full blown transaction
with self.txlock:
ent = self._find(path)
return dict(st_mode = ent.mode, st_size = ent.size,
st_ctime = ent.ctime, st_mtime = ent.mtime,
st_atime = 0, st_nlink = ent.nlink)
def getxattr(self, path, name, position = 0):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENODATA) # ENOATTR
def listxattr(self, path):
return []
def mkdir(self, path, mode):
mode &= 0777
mode |= stat.S_IFDIR
with self.transaction():
parent, name = self._find(path, parent=True)
if name in parent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST)
now = time.time()
parent.children[name] = Entry(children={}, mode=mode, nlink=2,
size=0, mtime=now, ctime=now)
parent.mtime = now
def open(self, path, flags):
return 0
def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
self.flush(path, 0)
ent = self._find(path)
assert ent.mode & stat.S_IFREG
data = self.store.get(ent.encpath)
return data[offset:offset + size]
def readdir(self, path, fh):
dirent = self._find(path)
return ['.', '..'] + list(dirent.children)
def readlink(self, path):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def removexattr(self, path, name):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def rename(self, old, new):
self.flush(old, 0)
if new.startswith(old):
raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL)
with self.transaction():
old_dir, old_name = self._find(old, parent=True)
if old_name not in old_dir.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
new_dir, new_name = self._find(new, parent=True)
old_ent = old_dir.children[old_name]
new_ent = new_dir.children.get(new_name)
if new_ent:
if new_ent.mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
if not old_ent.mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
raise FuseOSError(errno.EISDIR)
if new_ent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY)
elif old_ent.mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTDIR)
new_dir.children[new_name] = old_dir.children.pop(old_name)
old_dir.mtime = new_dir.mtime = time.time()
if new_ent != None and new_ent.mode & stat.S_IFREG:
def rmdir(self, path):
with self.transaction():
parent, name = self._find(path, parent=True)
if name not in parent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
ent = parent.children[name]
if not ent.mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTDIR)
if ent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY)
del parent.children[name]
parent.mtime = time.time()
def setxattr(self, path, name, value, options, position = 0):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def statfs(self, path):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def symlink(self, target, source):
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)
def truncate(self, path, length, fh = None):
self.flush(path, 0)
with self.transaction() as putx:
ent = self._find(path)
if length == 0:
buf = ''
buf = self.store.get(ent.encpath)
buf = buf[:length]
ent.encpath = putx(buf, ent.encpath)
ent.size = length
def unlink(self, path):
with self.transaction():
if self.write_path == path:
# no need to flush afterwards
parent, name = self._find(path, parent=True)
if name not in parent.children:
raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
ent = parent.children.pop(name)
parent.mtime = time.time()
def utimens(self, path, times = None):
if times is None:
mtime = time.time()
mtime = times[1]
with self.transaction():
ent = self._find(path)
ent.mtime = mtime
def write(self, path, data, offset, fh):
if path != self.write_path:
self.flush(self.write_path, None)
ent = self._find(path)
buf = self.store.get(ent.encpath)
self.write_buf = [buf]
self.write_len = len(buf)
self.write_path = path
if offset == self.write_len:
self.write_len += len(data)
buf = ''.join(self.write_buf)
buf = buf[:offset] + data + buf[offset + len(data):]
self.write_buf = [buf]
self.write_len = len(buf)
self.write_dirty = True
return len(data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: gpgfs <gpg_keyid> <encrypted_root> <mountpoint>\n')
logpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gpgfs.log')
log.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(logpath, 'w'))
fs = GpgFs(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1])
FUSE(fs, sys.argv[3], foreground=True)