#SQL from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Base = declarative_base() """ class HsHMembership(Base): __tablename__ = 'membership' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) person = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('person.id')) organizational_unit = Column(Integer) start_date = Column(DateTime) end_date = Column(DateTime) active = Column(String) business_role = Column(Integer) mPerson = relationship("HsHPerson") """ class HsHPerson(Base): __tablename__ = 'person' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) firstname = Column(String) title_prefix = Column(String) title_suffix = Column(String) account = Column(Integer) gender = Column(String) birthday = Column(DateTime) #TODO: without timezone! #memberships = relationship("HsHMembership", backref='person') class HsHTelephone(Base): __tablename__ = 'telephone' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) call_number = Column(String) description = Column(String) #RDF from rdflib import Namespace from rdfalchemy import rdfSingle from rdfalchemy.rdfSubject import rdfSubject from rdflib import Literal, BNode, Namespace, URIRef from rdflib import RDF, RDFS, Graph, OWL from rdflib.namespace import XSD foaf = Namespace('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/') core = Namespace('http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#') vitro = Namespace('http://vitro.mannlib.cornell.edu/ns/vitro/0.7') vcard = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#') obo = Namespace('http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/') local = Namespace('http://vivo.bib.hs-hannover.de/person') hsh = Namespace('http://vivo.bib.hs-hannover.de/ontology/hshOntologie#') def get_graph(): """Small little helper to create graph with namespaces ;-)""" g = rdfSubject.db g.bind('foaf', foaf) g.bind('core', core) g.bind('vitro', vitro) g.bind('vcard', vcard) g.bind('obo', obo) g.bind('local', local) g.bind('hsh', hsh) return g class IdSequence: """Small Helper for easy sequences""" def __init__(self, start): self.num = start - 1 def getNext(self): self.num += 1 return self.num class Thing(rdfSubject): rdf_type = OWL.Thing label = rdfSingle(RDFS.label) class hshThing(Thing): rdf_type = hsh.hshLocal class Person(hshThing): rdf_type = foaf.Person firstname = rdfSingle(vcard.givenName) name = rdfSingle(vcard.familyName) hasContactInfo = rdfSingle(obo.ARG_2000028) label = rdfSingle(RDFS.label) class ContactInfo(Thing): rdf_type = vcard.Individual hasTitle = rdfSingle(vcard.hasTitle) contactInformationFor = rdfSingle(obo.ARG_2000029) class Title(Thing): rdf_type = vcard.Title title = rdfSingle(vcard.title) def createRDFFromSQL(): """Fetch data from postgres and map them into RDF""" engine = create_engine("postgresql://hshinfo:hshinfotest@") session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)() persons = session.query(HsHPerson) g = get_graph() additionalIdSeq = IdSequence(2000000000) #don't care sequence for count, sqlP in enumerate(persons): combined_title = '' if sqlP.title_prefix != None: combined_title = sqlP.title_prefix if sqlP.title_suffix != None: if combined_title == '': combined_title = sqlP.title_suffix else: combined_title += ' ' + sqlP.title_suffix person_uri = URIRef("%s/%s" % (local, sqlP.id)) rdfP = hshThing(person_uri) rdfP = Person(person_uri) #WTF?! rdfP.firstname = sqlP.firstname; rdfP.name = sqlP.name; rdfP.label = "%s, %s" % (sqlP.name, sqlP.firstname) # If there is a title to add, do it. if(combined_title != ''): title_uri = URIRef("%s/%s" % (local, additionalIdSeq.getNext())) rdfTitle = Title(title_uri) rdfTitle.title = combined_title contact_info_uri = URIRef("%s/%s" % (local, additionalIdSeq.getNext())) rdfCi = ContactInfo(contact_info_uri) rdfCi.hasTitle = rdfTitle rdfCi.contactInformationFor = rdfP rdfP.hasContactInfo = rdfCi break triples = g.serialize(format='n3') g.close() print(triples) f = open('data.n3', 'wb') f.write(triples) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': createRDFFromSQL()