socket = $socket; $this->isBound = FALSE; $this->isConnected = FALSE; $this->isListening = FALSE; } /** * Destructor. Closes socket. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } /** * Returns socket. * * @return ressource */ public function getSocket() { return $this->socket; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isConnected() { return $this->isConnected; } /** * Sets isConnected-flag. * * @param boolean $connected * @return void */ public function setConnected($connected) { $this->isConnected = $connected; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isListening() { return $this->isListening; } /** * Connects to a specified address. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @param string $address * @param int $port * @return void */ public function connect($address, $port) { if($this->isConnected === TRUE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Socket is already connected!", 1289663170); $result = socket_connect($this->socket, $address, $port); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); $this->isConnected = TRUE; } /** * Binds the socket to an address + port. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @param string $address * @param int $port * @return void */ public function bind($address, $port) { if($this->isBound === TRUE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Socket is already bound!", 1289663212); $result = socket_set_option($this->socket, \SOL_SOCKET, \SO_REUSEADDR, 1); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); $result = socket_bind($this->socket, $address, $port); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); $this->isBound = TRUE; } /** * Let's the socket listen for incoming connections. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return void */ public function listen() { if($this->isBound === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Cannot listen on unbound socket!", 1289663220); $result = socket_listen($this->socket); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); $this->isListening = TRUE; } /** * Tells the SocketHandler that he got accepted. * * @return void */ public function hasBeenAccepted() { $this->isConnected = TRUE; } /** * Accepts a connection to a socket that is bound and listens. * The ressource has to be added to the SocketPool manually. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return ressource */ public function accept() { if($this->isBound === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Cannot accept connections from unbound socket!", 1289663239); if($this->isListening === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Cannot accept connections from socket that is not listening!", 1289663241); $accept = socket_accept($this->socket); if($accept === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); return $accept; } /** * Returns ip + port of the remote socket. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return string */ public function getRemoteName() { if($this->isConnected === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Socket not connected, cannot retrieve remote name!", 1289928192); $result = socket_getpeername($this->socket, $address, $port); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); return $address . ":" . $port; } /** * Returns ip + port of the local socket. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return string */ public function getLocalName() { if($this->isBound === FALSE ^ $this->isConnected === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("Socket is not bound or connected, no local name available!", 1289928256); $result = socket_getsockname($this->socket, $address, $port); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); return $address . ":" . $port; } /** * Writes data to the socket. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @param string $data * @return void */ public function write($data) { $result = socket_write($this->socket, $data); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); } /** * Reads data from the socket. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @param int $length * @return string */ public function read($length = 16384) { $result = socket_read($this->socket, $length, \PHP_BINARY_READ); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); return $result; } /** * Shuts the socket down after waiting a bit (waiting might be optional). * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return void */ public function close() { usleep(100000); //we'll wait here since socket_shutdown _might_ fail without it. if($this->isConnected === TRUE) { $result = socket_shutdown($this->socket); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); } if(is_resource($this->socket)) { $result = socket_close($this->socket); if($result === FALSE) $this->handleSocketError(); } $this->isConnected = FALSE; } /** * Gets last error from socket. * * @throws \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException * @return void */ protected function handleSocketError() { if(is_resource($this->socket) === FALSE) throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("No socket resource available!", 1290954177); $errno = socket_last_error($this->socket); $error = socket_strerror($errno); socket_clear_error(); $errormsg = "[" . $errno . "] " . $error; throw new \JPT\SocketFramework\Exception\SocketException("A socket error occured: " . $errormsg, 1289663360); } } ?>