bufferIncoming = new Misc_Buffer(); $this->bufferOutgoing = new Misc_Buffer(); $this->socketHandler = new Socket_SocketHandler($socket); $this->id = $id; $this->group = $group; $this->protocol = $protocol; $this->isServer = FALSE; $this->host = ""; $this->port = 0; $this->reconnectOnDisconnect = FALSE; $this->IPv6 = FALSE; } /** * Calls parent destructor. * @return void */ public function __destruct() { unset($this->socketHandler); } /** * Injector for the internal ConnectionPool access. * @param Connection_ConnectionPool $connectionPool * @return void */ public function injectConnectionPool($connectionPool) { $this->connectionPool = $connectionPool; } /** * @return string */ public function getProtocol() { return $this->protocol; } /** * @return string Connection Group */ public function getGroup() { return $this->group; } /** * @return int Connection ID */ public function getID() { return $this->id; } /** * Returns whether this connection is a listening socket or a general client connection socket. * @return boolean */ public function isServer() { return $this->isServer; } /** * Sets the IPv6-flag. * @param boolean $IPv6 * @return void */ public function setIPv6($IPv6) { $this->IPv6 = $IPv6; } /** * Sets reconnectOnDisconnect flag. * @param boolean $reconnect * @return void */ public function setReconnect($reconnect) { $this->reconnectOnDisconnect = $reconnect; } /** * Gets reconnectOnDisconnect flag. * @return boolean */ public function getReconnect() { return $this->reconnectOnDisconnect; } /** * This function is called when socket_read() or socket_write() fail. * It creates a new ConnectionHandler that will reconnect. * @return void */ protected function shutdown() { $this->setConnected(FALSE); $this->close(); } /** * Reads from SocketHandler, writes into bufferIncoming. * Returns a boolean that will indicate whether the socket is still okay. * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return boolean */ public function readToBuffer() { $data = $this->socketHandler->read(); //set connection status flag properly. if($data === "") { $this->shutdown(); return FALSE; } $this->bufferIncoming->addData($data); return TRUE; } /** * Writes the bufferOutgoing to the SocketHandler. * Returns a boolean that will indicate whether the socket is still okay. * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return boolean */ public function writeFromBuffer() { $bufferContent = $this->bufferOutgoing->getAllBufferContents(); //this might not be cool, but it should do. if($bufferContent === "") return TRUE; $result = $this->socketHandler->write($bufferContent); if($result === FALSE) { $this->shutdown(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Calls error() on Socket_SocketHandler. * @throws Socket_SocketExceptions * @return void */ public function handleSocketError() { $this->socketHandler->error(); } /** * Determines whether this ConnectionHandler has data to read. * @return boolean */ public function canRead() { return $this->bufferIncoming->hasData(); } /** * Determines whether this ConnectionHandler has data to write. * @return boolean */ public function canWrite() { return $this->bufferOutgoing->hasData(); } /** * Reads new data into bufferIncoming. * Returns a full line from bufferIncoming. * @return string */ public function read() { return $this->bufferIncoming->getAllBufferContents(); } /** * Writes data into bufferOutgoing. * Sends data from bufferOutgoing to the SocketHandler. * @param $data * @return void */ public function write($data) { $this->bufferOutgoing->addData($data); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return ressource */ public function accept() { return $this->socketHandler->accept(); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return string */ public function getRemoteName() { return $this->socketHandler->getRemoteName(); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return string */ public function getLocalName() { return $this->socketHandler->getLocalName(); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return void */ public function close() { return $this->socketHandler->close(); } /** * Calls SocketHandler, stores connection data. * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @param string $address * @param int $port * @return void */ public function connect($address, $port) { $this->host = $address; $this->port = $port; return $this->socketHandler->connect($address, $port); } /** * Calls SocketHandler, uses stored connection data to fork a new instance of itself. * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @throws Exception_GeneralException * @return Connection_ConnectionHandler */ public function reconnect() { if($this->reconnectOnDisconnect === FALSE) throw new Exception_GeneralException("Cannot reconnect: Reconnect-Flag not set!", 1290951385); if(empty($this->host) === TRUE) throw new Exception_GeneralException("Cannot reconnect: No host specified.", 1290950818); if(empty($this->port) === TRUE) throw new Exception_GeneralException("Cannot reconnect: No port specified.", 1290950844); $newConnectionHandler = $this->connectionPool->createTcpConnection($this->group, $this->protocol, $this->IPv6); $newConnectionHandler->setReconnect($this->getReconnect()); $newConnectionHandler->connect($this->host, $this->port); return $newConnectionHandler; } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return void */ public function bind($address, $port) { $this->host = $address; $this->port = $port; return $this->socketHandler->bind($address, $port); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return void */ public function listen() { $this->isServer = TRUE; return $this->socketHandler->listen(); } /** * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @return boolean */ public function isConnected() { return $this->socketHandler->isConnected(); } /** * Sets the is_connected-flag in the socket handler. * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @param boolean $connected * @return void */ private function setConnected($connected) { return $this->socketHandler->setConnected($connected); } /** * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @return boolean */ public function isListening() { return $this->socketHandler->isListening(); } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @throws Exception_SocketException * @return ressource */ public function getSocket() { return $this->socketHandler->getSocket(); } /** * @return Socket_SocketHandler */ public function getSocketHandler() { return $this->socketHandler; } /** * Calls SocketHandler * @see Socket_SocketHandler * @return void */ public function hasBeenAccepted() { return $this->socketHandler->hasBeenAccepted(); } } ?>