State of this tool: Still in development, nothing is really stable at this point
The goal of mailq-inspector is to provide an easy way to inspect and handle mails that are stuck in your postfix mailq.
It is written in go, so all you need to do to build it is run go build
How to use
At this point, i still need to write a lot of code (and documentation).
Just invoke mailq-inspector
and maybe pass --help
to it to get a rough idea of available options.
In order to provide an environment that can be used to test this tool without sacrificing an actual production mailserver, a Vagrantfile is included.
Invoke vagrant up
to build the box.
Invoke vagrant rsync-auto
if you want /vagrant
to stay in sync with the environment on your local machine.
Finally, invoke vagrant ssh
to ssh into the vagrant box.
To test mailq-inspector, change into /vagrant
and run it:
cd /vagrant