commands -> getList($recv["level"]); $help[] = "*=These commands have to be used in query only. (no need to use the prefix there)"; $help[] = "#=These commands have to be used in channel only."; if(!$this -> userdb -> isUser($recv["nick"])) $help[] = "In order to gain a higher level ask the owner to create an account for you."; elseif(!$this -> userdb -> isActive($recv["nick"])) $help[] = "In order to gain access, identify yourself by typing: /msg ".$this -> nick." identify "; elseif($this -> userdb -> isActive($recv["nick"])) $help[] = "In order to change your password, type /msg ".$this -> nick." password "; foreach($help as $line) $this -> call("notice", $recv["nick"], $line); ?>