datapool = ""; $this -> endl = $endl; } public function addData($data){ $this -> datapool .= $data.$this -> endl; //We add the endl to the end of each block of data due to some cutting issues.. } public function isFull(){ return (trim($this -> datapool) != "") ? true : false; } public function gotLine(){ return ($this -> isFull() && (preg_match("/".$this -> endl."/", $this -> datapool))) ? true : false; } public function getLineArray(){ if(!$this -> isFull()) return false; $pool = $this -> datapool; //Copy our original pool $lines = explode($this -> endl, $pool); //explode by endline... unset($pool); //clean up all lines foreach($lines as $key => $line){ $line = $this -> stripLine($line); if(trim($line) != "") $lines[$key] = $line; } return $lines; } public function getNextLine(){ if(!$this -> gotLine()) return false; $expl = explode($this -> endl, $this -> datapool); //explode by endline... $line = $expl[0]; // get next line from datapool //Kill the fetched line unset($expl[0]); $this -> datapool = implode($this -> endl, $expl); $line = $this -> stripLine($line); //clean up gained line if($line == "") return $this -> getNextLine(); return $line; } public function countLines(){ $count = count($this -> getLineArray()); return $count; } public function stripLine($line){ $replace = array("\r","\n","\0"); $line = str_replace($replace,"",$line); $line = trim($line); return $line; } public function clear(){ unset($this -> datapool); $this -> datapool = ""; } function __destruct(){ unset($this -> datapool); } } ?>