2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
/* open wallet code */
$ ( "#openBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var email = $ ( "#openEmail" ) . val ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( email . match ( /[\s\w\d]+@[\s\w\d]+/g ) ) {
if ( $ ( "#openPass" ) . val ( ) . length >= 10 ) {
if ( $ ( "#openPass" ) . val ( ) == $ ( "#openPassConfirm" ) . val ( ) ) {
var email = $ ( "#openEmail" ) . val ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var pass = $ ( "#openPass" ) . val ( ) ;
var s = email ;
s += '|' + pass + '|' ;
s += s . length + '|!@' + ( ( pass . length * 7 ) + email . length ) * 7 ;
var regchars = ( pass . match ( /[a-z]+/g ) ) ? pass . match ( /[a-z]+/g ) . length : 1 ;
var regupchars = ( pass . match ( /[A-Z]+/g ) ) ? pass . match ( /[A-Z]+/g ) . length : 1 ;
var regnums = ( pass . match ( /[0-9]+/g ) ) ? pass . match ( /[0-9]+/g ) . length : 1 ;
s += ( ( regnums + regchars ) + regupchars ) * pass . length + '3571' ;
2014-12-05 13:27:28 +00:00
s += ( s + '' + s ) ;
2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i <= 50 ; i ++ ) {
s = Crypto . SHA256 ( s ) ;
coinjs . compressed = true ;
var keys = coinjs . newKeys ( s ) ;
$ ( "#walletAddress" ) . html ( keys . address ) ;
$ ( "#walletHistory" ) . attr ( 'href' , 'http://www.blockchain.info/address/' + keys . address ) ;
$ ( "#walletQrCode" ) . html ( '<img src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=bitcoin:' + keys . address + '">' ) ;
$ ( "#walletKeys .privkey" ) . val ( keys . wif ) ;
$ ( "#walletKeys .pubkey" ) . val ( keys . pubkey ) ;
$ ( "#openLogin" ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( "#openWallet" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . show ( ) ;
walletBalance ( ) ;
checkBalanceLoop ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#openLoginStatus" ) . html ( "Your passwords do not match!" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#openLoginStatus" ) . html ( "Your password must be at least 10 chars long" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#openLoginStatus" ) . html ( "Your email address doesn't appear to be valid" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
$ ( "#openLoginStatus" ) . prepend ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> ' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletLogout" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#openEmail" ) . val ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#openPass" ) . val ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#openPassConfirm" ) . val ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#openLogin" ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( "#openWallet" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( "#walletAddress" ) . html ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#walletHistory" ) . attr ( 'href' , 'http://www.blockchain.info/address/' ) ;
$ ( "#walletQrCode" ) . html ( '<img src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=bitcoin:">' ) ;
$ ( "#walletKeys .privkey" ) . val ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#walletKeys .pubkey" ) . val ( "" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletShowKeys" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#walletKeys" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpend" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletBalance" ) . click ( function ( ) {
walletBalance ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletConfirmSend" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var thisbtn = $ ( this ) ;
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
var txfee = $ ( "#txFee" ) ;
var devaddr = coinjs . developer ;
var devamount = $ ( "#developerDonation" ) ;
if ( ( devamount . val ( ) * 1 ) > 0 ) {
tx . addoutput ( devaddr , devamount . val ( ) * 1 ) ;
var total = ( devamount . val ( ) * 1 ) + ( txfee . val ( ) * 1 ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#walletSpendTo .output" ) , function ( i , o ) {
var addr = $ ( '.addressTo' , o ) ;
var amount = $ ( '.amount' , o ) ;
total += amount . val ( ) * 1 ;
tx . addoutput ( addr . val ( ) , amount . val ( ) * 1 ) ;
} ) ;
thisbtn . attr ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
tx . addUnspent ( $ ( "#walletAddress" ) . html ( ) , function ( data ) {
var dvalue = data . value / 100000000
if ( dvalue >= total ) {
var change = dvalue - total ;
if ( change > 0 ) {
tx . addoutput ( $ ( "#walletAddress" ) . html ( ) , change ) ;
// clone the transaction with out using coinjs.clone() function as it gives us trouble
var tx2 = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
var txunspent = tx2 . deserialize ( tx . serialize ( ) ) ;
// then sign
var signed = txunspent . sign ( $ ( "#walletKeys .privkey" ) . val ( ) ) ;
// and finally broadcast!
tx2 . broadcast ( function ( data ) {
if ( $ ( data ) . find ( "result" ) . text ( ) == "1" ) {
$ ( "#walletSendConfirmStatus" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . addClass ( 'alert-success' ) . html ( "txid: " + $ ( data ) . find ( "txid" ) . text ( ) ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#walletSendConfirmStatus" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . addClass ( 'alert-danger' ) . html ( unescape ( $ ( data ) . find ( "response" ) . text ( ) ) . replace ( /\+/g , ' ' ) ) ;
// update wallet balance
walletBalance ( ) ;
} , signed ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#walletSendConfirmStatus" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . addClass ( 'alert-danger' ) . html ( "You have a confirmed balance of " + data . value + " BTC unable to send " + total + " BTC" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
thisbtn . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
$ ( "#walletLoader" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletSendBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#walletSendStatus" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) . html ( "" ) ;
var thisbtn = $ ( this ) ;
var txfee = $ ( "#txFee" ) ;
var devamount = $ ( "#developerDonation" ) ;
if ( ( ! isNaN ( devamount . val ( ) ) ) && devamount . val ( ) >= 0 ) {
$ ( devamount ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( devamount ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' )
if ( ( ! isNaN ( txfee . val ( ) ) ) && txfee . val ( ) >= 0 ) {
$ ( txfee ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( txfee ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
var total = ( devamount . val ( ) * 1 ) + ( txfee . val ( ) * 1 ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#walletSpendTo .output" ) , function ( i , o ) {
var amount = $ ( '.amount' , o ) ;
var address = $ ( '.addressTo' , o ) ;
total += amount . val ( ) * 1 ;
if ( ( ! isNaN ( $ ( amount ) . val ( ) ) ) && $ ( amount ) . val ( ) > 0 ) {
$ ( amount ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( amount ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
if ( coinjs . addressDecode ( $ ( address ) . val ( ) ) ) {
$ ( address ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( address ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} ) ;
total = total . toFixed ( 8 ) ;
if ( $ ( "#walletSpend .has-error" ) . length == 0 ) {
var balance = ( $ ( "#walletBalance" ) . html ( ) ) . replace ( /[^0-9\.]+/g , '' ) * 1 ;
if ( total <= balance ) {
$ ( "#walletSendConfirmStatus" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) . removeClass ( 'alert-success' ) . removeClass ( 'alert-danger' ) . html ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#spendAmount" ) . html ( total ) ;
$ ( "#modalWalletConfirm" ) . modal ( "show" ) ;
$ ( "#walletConfirmSend" ) . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#walletSendStatus" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . html ( "You are trying to spend " + total + ' but have a balance of ' + balance ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#walletSpend .has-error" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
$ ( "#walletSendStatus" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> One or more input has an error' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletShowSpend" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#walletSpend" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
$ ( "#walletKeys" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo .addressAdd" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var clone = '<div class="form-inline output">' + $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . html ( ) + '</div>' ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo" ) . append ( clone ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo .glyphicon-plus:last" ) . removeClass ( 'glyphicon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'glyphicon-minus' ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo .glyphicon-minus:last" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'addressAdd' ) . addClass ( 'addressRemove' ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo .addressRemove" ) . unbind ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#walletSpendTo .addressRemove" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . fadeOut ( ) . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function walletBalance ( ) {
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
$ ( "#walletLoader" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
coinjs . addressBalance ( $ ( "#walletAddress" ) . html ( ) , function ( data ) {
if ( $ ( data ) . find ( "result" ) . text ( ) == 1 ) {
var v = $ ( data ) . find ( "balance" ) . text ( ) / 100000000 ;
$ ( "#walletBalance" ) . html ( v + " BTC" ) . attr ( 'rel' , v ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#walletBalance" ) . html ( "0.00 BTC" ) . attr ( 'rel' , v ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
$ ( "#walletLoader" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
function checkBalanceLoop ( ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
walletBalance ( ) ;
checkBalanceLoop ( ) ;
} , 45000 ) ;
/* new -> address code */
$ ( "#newKeysBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
coinjs . compressed = false ;
if ( $ ( "#newCompressed" ) . is ( ":checked" ) ) {
coinjs . compressed = true ;
var s = ( $ ( "#newBrainwallet" ) . is ( ":checked" ) ) ? $ ( "#brainwallet" ) . val ( ) : null ;
var coin = coinjs . newKeys ( s ) ;
$ ( "#newBitcoinAddress" ) . val ( coin . address ) ;
$ ( "#newPubKey" ) . val ( coin . pubkey ) ;
$ ( "#newPrivKey" ) . val ( coin . wif ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#newBrainwallet" ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . is ( ":checked" ) ) {
$ ( "#brainwallet" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#brainwallet" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
/* new -> multisig code */
$ ( "#newMultiSigAddress" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#multiSigData" ) . removeClass ( 'show' ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) . fadeOut ( ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkey" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
$ ( "#releaseCoins" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
$ ( "#multiSigErrorMsg" ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( ( isNaN ( $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) ) ) || ( ( ! isNaN ( $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) ) ) && ( $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) > $ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkey" ) . length || $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) * 1 <= 0 || $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) * 1 > 8 ) ) ) {
$ ( "#releaseCoins" ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
$ ( "#multiSigErrorMsg" ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> Minimum signatures required is greater than the amount of public keys provided' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
return false ;
var keys = [ ] ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkey" ) , function ( i , o ) {
if ( coinjs . pubkeydecompress ( $ ( o ) . val ( ) ) ) {
keys . push ( $ ( o ) . val ( ) ) ;
$ ( o ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( o ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ( $ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkey" ) . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'has-error' ) == false ) && $ ( "#releaseCoins" ) . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'has-error' ) == false ) {
var sigsNeeded = $ ( "#releaseCoins option:selected" ) . html ( ) ;
var multisig = coinjs . pubkeys2MultisigAddress ( keys , sigsNeeded ) ;
$ ( "#multiSigData .address" ) . val ( multisig [ 'address' ] ) ;
$ ( "#multiSigData .script" ) . val ( multisig [ 'redeemScript' ] ) ;
$ ( "#multiSigData" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . addClass ( 'show' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
$ ( "#releaseCoins" ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#multiSigErrorMsg" ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> One or more public key is invalid!' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkeyAdd" ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( $ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkeyRemove" ) . length < 14 ) {
var clone = '<div class="form-inline">' + $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . html ( ) + '</div>' ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys" ) . append ( clone ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .glyphicon-plus:last" ) . removeClass ( 'glyphicon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'glyphicon-minus' ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .glyphicon-minus:last" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'pubkeyAdd' ) . addClass ( 'pubkeyRemove' ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkeyRemove" ) . unbind ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#multisigPubKeys .pubkeyRemove" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . fadeOut ( ) . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/* new -> transaction code */
$ ( "#recipients .addressAddTo" ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( $ ( "#recipients .addressRemoveTo" ) . length < 19 ) {
var clone = '<div class="row recipient"><br>' + $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . html ( ) + '</div>' ;
$ ( "#recipients" ) . append ( clone ) ;
$ ( "#recipients .glyphicon-plus:last" ) . removeClass ( 'glyphicon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'glyphicon-minus' ) ;
$ ( "#recipients .glyphicon-minus:last" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'addressAdd' ) . addClass ( 'addressRemoveTo' ) ;
$ ( "#recipients .addressRemoveTo" ) . unbind ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#recipients .addressRemoveTo" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . fadeOut ( ) . remove ( ) ;
validateOutputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
validateOutputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txidAdd" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var clone = '<div class="row inputs"><br>' + $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . html ( ) + '</div>' ;
$ ( "#inputs" ) . append ( clone ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txidClear:last" ) . remove ( ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .glyphicon-plus:last" ) . removeClass ( 'glyphicon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'glyphicon-minus' ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .glyphicon-minus:last" ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'txidAdd' ) . addClass ( 'txidRemove' ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txidRemove" ) . unbind ( "" ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txidRemove" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . fadeOut ( ) . remove ( ) ;
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .row:last input" ) . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txIdAmount" ) . unbind ( "" ) . change ( function ( ) {
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#transactionBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#inputs .row" ) , function ( i , o ) {
if ( $ ( ".txId" , o ) . val ( ) != "" && $ ( ".txIdN" , o ) . val ( ) != "" ) {
tx . addinput ( $ ( ".txId" , o ) . val ( ) , $ ( ".txIdN" , o ) . val ( ) , $ ( ".txIdScript" , o ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#recipients .row" ) , function ( i , o ) {
if ( $ ( ".address" , o ) . val ( ) != "" && $ ( ".amount" , o ) . val ( ) != "" ) {
tx . addoutput ( $ ( ".address" , o ) . val ( ) , $ ( ".amount" , o ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#transactionCreate textarea" ) . val ( tx . serialize ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#transactionCreate .txSize" ) . html ( tx . size ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#transactionCreate" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ".txidClear" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#inputs .row:first input" ) . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .row:first input" ) . val ( "" ) ;
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txIdAmount" ) . unbind ( "" ) . change ( function ( ) {
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#redeemFromBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var thisbtn = this ;
var addr = '' ;
var isMultiSig = false ;
var s = $ ( "#redeemFrom" ) . val ( ) ;
$ ( "#redeemFromStatus, #redeemFromAddress" ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( thisbtn ) . html ( "Please wait, loading..." ) . attr ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
var decode = coinjs . addressDecode ( s ) ;
if ( decode . version == coinjs . pub ) {
addr = s ;
} else if ( decode . version == coinjs . priv ) {
var a = coinjs . wif2address ( s ) ;
addr = a [ 'address' ] ;
} else if ( decode . version == coinjs . multisig ) {
$ ( "#redeemFromStatus" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> You should use the redeem script, not the multisig address!' ) ;
} else {
var script = coinjs . script ( ) ;
var decodeRs = script . decodeRedeemScript ( s ) ;
if ( decodeRs ) {
addr = decodeRs [ 'address' ] ;
isMultiSig = true ;
} else {
// input is neither a regular address or redeem script
$ ( "#redeemFromStatus" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> The address or multisig redeem script you have entered is invalid' ) ;
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
tx . listUnspent ( addr , function ( data ) {
if ( addr ) {
2014-12-05 13:00:19 +00:00
if ( $ ( "#clearInputsOnLoad" ) . is ( ":checked" ) ) {
$ ( "#inputs .txidRemove, #inputs .txidClear" ) . click ( ) ;
2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
$ ( "#redeemFromAddress" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . html ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span> Retrieved unspent inputs from address <a href="https://www.blockchain.info/address/' + addr + '" target="_blank">' + addr + '</a>' ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( data ) . find ( "unspent" ) . children ( ) , function ( i , o ) {
var val = ( ( $ ( o ) . find ( "value" ) . text ( ) * 1 ) / 100000000 ) ;
var txid = ( ( $ ( o ) . find ( "tx_hash" ) . text ( ) ) . match ( /.{1,2}/g ) . reverse ( ) ) . join ( "" ) + '' ;
$ ( "#inputs .txId:last" ) . val ( txid ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txIdN:last" ) . val ( $ ( o ) . find ( "tx_output_n" ) . text ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .txIdAmount:last" ) . val ( val . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
if ( isMultiSig == true ) {
$ ( "#inputs .txIdScript:last" ) . val ( s ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#inputs .txIdScript:last" ) . val ( $ ( o ) . find ( "script" ) . text ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#inputs .row:last input" ) . attr ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
if ( i < ( $ ( data ) . find ( "unspent" ) . children ( ) . length - 1 ) ) {
$ ( "#inputs .txidAdd" ) . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( thisbtn ) . html ( "Load" ) . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
totalInputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function totalInputAmount ( ) {
$ ( "#totalInput" ) . html ( '0.00' ) ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#inputs .txIdAmount" ) , function ( i , o ) {
if ( isNaN ( $ ( o ) . val ( ) ) ) {
$ ( o ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( o ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
var f = 0 ;
if ( ! isNaN ( $ ( o ) . val ( ) ) ) {
f += $ ( o ) . val ( ) * 1 ;
$ ( "#totalInput" ) . html ( ( ( $ ( "#totalInput" ) . html ( ) * 1 ) + ( f * 1 ) ) . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
} ) ;
totalFee ( ) ;
function validateOutputAmount ( ) {
$ ( "#recipients .amount" ) . unbind ( '' ) ;
$ ( "#recipients .amount" ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
if ( isNaN ( $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
var f = 0 ;
$ . each ( $ ( "#recipients .amount" ) , function ( i , o ) {
if ( ! isNaN ( $ ( o ) . val ( ) ) ) {
f += $ ( o ) . val ( ) * 1 ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#totalOutput" ) . html ( ( f ) . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
totalFee ( ) ;
} ) . keyup ( ) ;
function totalFee ( ) {
var fee = ( ( $ ( "#totalInput" ) . html ( ) * 1 ) - ( $ ( "#totalOutput" ) . html ( ) * 1 ) ) . toFixed ( 8 ) ;
$ ( "#transactionFee" ) . val ( ( fee > 0 ) ? fee : '0.00' ) ;
/* broadcast a transaction */
$ ( "#rawSubmitBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
2014-12-05 13:04:00 +00:00
var thisbtn = this ;
2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
2014-12-05 13:04:00 +00:00
$ ( thisbtn ) . val ( 'Please wait, loading...' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
tx . broadcast ( function ( data ) {
$ ( "#rawTransactionStatus" ) . html ( unescape ( $ ( data ) . find ( "response" ) . text ( ) ) . replace ( /\+/g , ' ' ) ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
if ( $ ( data ) . find ( "result" ) . text ( ) == 1 ) {
$ ( "#rawTransactionStatus" ) . addClass ( 'alert-success' ) . removeClass ( 'alert-danger' ) ;
$ ( "#rawTransactionStatus" ) . html ( 'txid: ' + $ ( data ) . find ( "txid" ) . text ( ) ) ;
} else {
$ ( "#rawTransactionStatus" ) . addClass ( 'alert-danger' ) . removeClass ( 'alert-success' ) . prepend ( '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span> ' ) ;
$ ( "#rawTransactionStatus" ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
2014-12-05 13:04:00 +00:00
$ ( thisbtn ) . val ( 'Submit' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
2014-12-01 23:36:49 +00:00
} , $ ( "#rawTransaction" ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
/* verify script code */
$ ( "#verifyBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( ".verifyData" ) . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
$ ( "#verifyStatus" ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( ! decodeRedeemScript ( ) ) {
if ( ! decodeTransactionScript ( ) ) {
if ( ! decodePrivKey ( ) ) {
if ( ! decodePubKey ( ) ) {
$ ( "#verifyStatus" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . fadeOut ( ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} ) ;
function decodeRedeemScript ( ) {
var script = coinjs . script ( ) ;
var decode = script . decodeRedeemScript ( $ ( "#verifyScript" ) . val ( ) ) ;
if ( decode ) {
$ ( "#verifyRsData .multisigAddress" ) . val ( decode [ 'address' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyRsData .signaturesRequired" ) . html ( decode [ 'signaturesRequired' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyRsData table tbody" ) . html ( "" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < decode . pubkeys . length ; i ++ ) {
$ ( '<tr><td><input type="text" class="form-control" value="' + decode . pubkeys [ i ] + '" readonly></td></tr>' ) . appendTo ( "#verifyRsData table tbody" ) ;
$ ( "#verifyRsData" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
function decodeTransactionScript ( ) {
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
try {
var decode = tx . deserialize ( $ ( "#verifyScript" ) . val ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#verifyTransactionData .transactionVersion" ) . html ( decode [ 'version' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyTransactionData .transactionSize" ) . html ( decode . size ( ) + ' <i>bytes</i>' ) ;
$ ( "#verifyTransactionData .transactionLockTime" ) . html ( decode [ 'lock_time' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyTransactionData" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
$ ( "#verifyTransactionData tbody" ) . html ( "" ) ;
var h = '' ;
$ . each ( decode . ins , function ( i , o ) {
var s = decode . extractScriptKey ( i ) ;
h += '<tr>' ;
h += '<td><input class="form-control" type="text" value="' + o . outpoint . hash + '" readonly></td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-1">' + o . outpoint . index + '</td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-2"><input class="form-control" type="text" value="' + Crypto . util . bytesToHex ( o . script . buffer ) + '" readonly></td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-1"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + ( ( s . signed == 'true' ) ? 'ok' : 'remove' ) + '-circle"></span>' ;
if ( s [ 'type' ] == 'multisig' && s [ 'signatures' ] >= 1 ) {
h += ' ' + s [ 'signatures' ] ;
h += '</td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-1">' ;
if ( s [ 'type' ] == 'multisig' ) {
var script = coinjs . script ( ) ;
var rs = script . decodeRedeemScript ( s . script ) ;
h += rs [ 'signaturesRequired' ] + ' of ' + rs [ 'pubkeys' ] . length ;
} else {
h += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></span>' ;
h += '</td>' ;
h += '</tr>' ;
} ) ;
$ ( h ) . appendTo ( "#verifyTransactionData .ins tbody" ) ;
h = '' ;
$ . each ( decode . outs , function ( i , o ) {
var addr = '' ;
if ( o . script . chunks . length == 5 ) {
addr = coinjs . scripthash2address ( Crypto . util . bytesToHex ( o . script . chunks [ 2 ] ) ) ;
} else {
var priv = coinjs . priv ;
coinjs . priv = 0x05 ;
addr = coinjs . scripthash2address ( Crypto . util . bytesToHex ( o . script . chunks [ 1 ] ) ) ;
coinjs . priv = priv ;
h += '<tr>' ;
h += '<td><input class="form-control" type="text" value="' + addr + '" readonly></td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-1">' + ( o . value / 100000000 ) . toFixed ( 8 ) + '</td>' ;
h += '<td class="col-xs-2"><input class="form-control" type="text" value="' + Crypto . util . bytesToHex ( o . script . buffer ) + '" readonly></td>' ;
h += '</tr>' ;
} ) ;
$ ( h ) . appendTo ( "#verifyTransactionData .outs tbody" ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
function decodePrivKey ( ) {
var wif = $ ( "#verifyScript" ) . val ( ) ;
if ( wif . length == 51 || wif . length == 52 ) {
try {
var w2address = coinjs . wif2address ( wif ) ;
var w2pubkey = coinjs . wif2pubkey ( wif ) ;
var w2privkey = coinjs . wif2privkey ( wif ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPrivKey .address" ) . val ( w2address [ 'address' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPrivKey .pubkey" ) . val ( w2pubkey [ 'pubkey' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPrivKey .privkey" ) . val ( w2privkey [ 'privkey' ] ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPrivKey .iscompressed" ) . html ( w2address [ 'compressed' ] ? 'true' : 'false' ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPrivKey" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
} else {
return false ;
function decodePubKey ( ) {
var pubkey = $ ( "#verifyScript" ) . val ( ) ;
if ( pubkey . length == 66 || pubkey . length == 130 ) {
try {
$ ( "#verifyPubKey .address" ) . val ( coinjs . pubkey2address ( pubkey ) ) ;
$ ( "#verifyPubKey" ) . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
} else {
return false ;
/* sign code */
$ ( "#signBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var wifkey = $ ( "#signPrivateKey" ) ;
var script = $ ( "#signTransaction" ) ;
if ( coinjs . addressDecode ( wifkey . val ( ) ) ) {
$ ( wifkey ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( wifkey ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
if ( ( script . val ( ) ) . match ( /^[a-f0-9]+$/ig ) ) {
$ ( script ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ ( script ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
if ( $ ( "#sign .has-error" ) . length == 0 ) {
$ ( "#signedDataError" ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
try {
var tx = coinjs . transaction ( ) ;
var t = tx . deserialize ( script . val ( ) ) ;
var signed = t . sign ( wifkey . val ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#signedData textarea" ) . val ( signed ) ;
$ ( "#signedData .txSize" ) . html ( t . size ( ) ) ;
$ ( "#signedData" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// console.log(e);
} else {
$ ( "#signedDataError" ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( "#signedData" ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
} ) ;
/* page load code */
$ ( ".qrcodeBtn" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var thisbtn = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ;
$ ( "#qrcode" ) . attr ( 'src' , 'https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chl=bitcoin:' + $ ( '.address' , thisbtn ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( 'input[title!=""], abbr[title!=""]' ) . tooltip ( { 'placement' : 'bottom' } ) ;
if ( location . hash !== '' ) {
$ ( 'a[href="' + location . hash + '"]' ) . tab ( 'show' ) ;
$ ( ".showKey" ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( "input[type='password']" , $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ) . attr ( 'type' , 'text' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#homeBtn" ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
history . pushState ( null , null , '#home' ) ;
$ ( "#header .active, #content .tab-content" ) . removeClass ( "active" ) ;
$ ( "#home" ) . addClass ( "active" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( 'a[data-toggle="tab"]' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( e . target ) {
history . pushState ( null , null , '#' + $ ( e . target ) . attr ( 'href' ) . substr ( 1 ) ) ;
} ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "popstate" , function ( e ) {
var activeTab = $ ( '[href=' + location . hash + ']' ) ;
if ( activeTab . length ) {
activeTab . tab ( 'show' ) ;
} else {
$ ( '.nav-tabs a:first' ) . tab ( 'show' ) ;
} ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
$ ( ".pubkeyAdd" ) . click ( ) ;
$ ( "#newKeysBtn" ) . click ( ) ;
validateOutputAmount ( ) ;
} ) ;