Gitea uses Golang as the backend programming language. It uses many third-party packages and also write some itself.
For example, Gitea uses [Chi]( as basic web framework. [Xorm]( is an ORM framework that is used to interact with the database.
So it's very important to manage these packages. Please take the below guidelines before you start to write backend code.
## Package Design Guideline
### Packages List
To maintain understandable code and avoid circular dependencies it is important to have a good code structure. The Gitea backend is divided into the following parts:
-`cmd`: All Gitea actual sub commands includes web, doctor, serv, hooks, admin and etc. `web` will start the web service. `serv` and `hooks` will be invoked by Git or OpenSSH. Other sub commands could help to maintain Gitea.
-`models`: Contains the data structures used by xorm to construct database tables. It also contains functions to query and update the database. Dependencies to other Gitea code should be avoided. You can make exceptions in cases such as logging.
-`models/db`: Basic database operations. All other `models/xxx` packages should depend on this package. The `GetEngine` function should only be invoked from `models/`.
-`models/fixtures`: Sample data used in unit tests and integration tests. One `yml` file means one table which will be loaded into database when beginning the tests.
-`models/migrations`: Stores database migrations between versions. PRs that change a database structure **MUST** alsohave a migration step.
-`modules`: Different modules to handle specific functionality in Gitea. Work in Progress: Some of them should be moved to `services`, in particular those that depend on models because they rely on the database.
-`modules/setting`: Store all system configurations read from ini files and has been referenced by everywhere. But they should be used as function parameters when possible.
-`modules/git`: Package to interactive with `Git` command line or Gogit package.
-`routers`: Handling of server requests. As it uses other Gitea packages to serve the request, other packages (models, modules or services) must not depend on routers.
Since Golang doesn't support import cycles, we have to decide the package dependencies carefully. There are some levels between those packages. Below is the ideal package dependencies direction.
From left to right, left packages could depend on right packages, but right packages MUST not depend on left packages. The sub packages on the same level could depend on according this level's rules.
Why do we need database transactions outside of `models`? And how?
Since there are some packages which use the same package name, it is possible that you find packages like `modules/user`, `models/user`, and `services/user`. When these packages are imported in one Go file, it's difficult to know which package we are using and if it's a variable name or an import name. So, we always recommend to use import aliases. To differ from package variables which are commonly in camelCase, just use **snake_case** for import aliases.