{{template "base/alert" .}}
{{$queryLink := QueryBuild "?" "type" $.ViewType "sort" $.SortType "state" $.State "q" $.Keyword "labels" .SelectLabels "fuzzy" $.IsFuzzy}}
{{$queryLinkWithFilter := QueryBuild $queryLink "poster" $.FilterPosterUsername "assignee" $.FilterAssigneeUsername}}
{{template "shared/issuelist" dict "." . "listType" "dashboard"}}
{{if $.Labels}}
{{template "repo/issue/filter_item_label" dict "Labels" .Labels "QueryLink" $queryLinkWithFilter "SupportArchivedLabel" true}}
{{/* at the moment there is no easy way to get poster candidates on this page, so only show a username input, search for what the end user enters */}}
{{if ne $.ViewType "created_by"}}
{{template "repo/issue/filter_item_user_fetch" dict
"QueryParamKey" "poster"
"QueryLink" $queryLinkWithFilter
"SelectedUsername" $.FilterPosterUsername
"TextFilterTitle" (ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_poster")
{{/* at the moment there is no easy way to get assignee candidates on this page, so only show a username input, search for what the end user enters */}}
{{if ne $.ViewType "assigned"}}
{{template "repo/issue/filter_item_user_fetch" dict
"QueryParamKey" "assignee"
"QueryLink" $queryLinkWithFilter
"SelectedUsername" $.FilterAssigneeUsername
"TextFilterTitle" (ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_assignee")
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_sort"}}
{{svg "octicon-triangle-down" 14 "dropdown icon"}}