// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package auth

import (

	user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
	auth_module "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/auth"
	source_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/auth/source"
	user_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/user"

	go_oauth2 "golang.org/x/oauth2"

// SignInOAuth handles the OAuth2 login buttons
func SignInOAuth(ctx *context.Context) {
	provider := ctx.PathParam(":provider")

	authSource, err := auth.GetActiveOAuth2SourceByName(ctx, provider)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("SignIn", err)

	redirectTo := ctx.FormString("redirect_to")
	if len(redirectTo) > 0 {
		middleware.SetRedirectToCookie(ctx.Resp, redirectTo)

	// try to do a direct callback flow, so we don't authenticate the user again but use the valid accesstoken to get the user
	user, gothUser, err := oAuth2UserLoginCallback(ctx, authSource, ctx.Req, ctx.Resp)
	if err == nil && user != nil {
		// we got the user without going through the whole OAuth2 authentication flow again
		handleOAuth2SignIn(ctx, authSource, user, gothUser)

	if err = authSource.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source).Callout(ctx.Req, ctx.Resp); err != nil {
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no provider for ") {
			if err = oauth2.ResetOAuth2(ctx); err != nil {
				ctx.ServerError("SignIn", err)
			if err = authSource.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source).Callout(ctx.Req, ctx.Resp); err != nil {
				ctx.ServerError("SignIn", err)
		ctx.ServerError("SignIn", err)
	// redirect is done in oauth2.Auth

// SignInOAuthCallback handles the callback from the given provider
func SignInOAuthCallback(ctx *context.Context) {
	provider := ctx.PathParam(":provider")

	if ctx.Req.FormValue("error") != "" {
		var errorKeyValues []string
		for k, vv := range ctx.Req.Form {
			for _, v := range vv {
				errorKeyValues = append(errorKeyValues, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", html.EscapeString(k), html.EscapeString(v)))
		ctx.Flash.Error(strings.Join(errorKeyValues, "<br>"), true)

	// first look if the provider is still active
	authSource, err := auth.GetActiveOAuth2SourceByName(ctx, provider)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("SignIn", err)

	if authSource == nil {
		ctx.ServerError("SignIn", errors.New("no valid provider found, check configured callback url in provider"))

	u, gothUser, err := oAuth2UserLoginCallback(ctx, authSource, ctx.Req, ctx.Resp)
	if err != nil {
		if user_model.IsErrUserProhibitLogin(err) {
			uplerr := err.(user_model.ErrUserProhibitLogin)
			log.Info("Failed authentication attempt for %s from %s: %v", uplerr.Name, ctx.RemoteAddr(), err)
			ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("auth.prohibit_login")
			ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, "user/auth/prohibit_login")
		if callbackErr, ok := err.(errCallback); ok {
			log.Info("Failed OAuth callback: (%v) %v", callbackErr.Code, callbackErr.Description)
			switch callbackErr.Code {
			case "access_denied":
			case "temporarily_unavailable":
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/login")
		if err, ok := err.(*go_oauth2.RetrieveError); ok {
			ctx.Flash.Error("OAuth2 RetrieveError: "+err.Error(), true)
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/login")
		ctx.ServerError("UserSignIn", err)

	if u == nil {
		if ctx.Doer != nil {
			// attach user to the current signed-in user
			err = externalaccount.LinkAccountToUser(ctx, ctx.Doer, gothUser)
			if err != nil {
				ctx.ServerError("UserLinkAccount", err)

			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/settings/security")
		} else if !setting.Service.AllowOnlyInternalRegistration && setting.OAuth2Client.EnableAutoRegistration {
			// create new user with details from oauth2 provider
			var missingFields []string
			if gothUser.UserID == "" {
				missingFields = append(missingFields, "sub")
			if gothUser.Email == "" {
				missingFields = append(missingFields, "email")
			uname, err := extractUserNameFromOAuth2(&gothUser)
			if err != nil {
				ctx.ServerError("UserSignIn", err)
			if uname == "" {
				if setting.OAuth2Client.Username == setting.OAuth2UsernameNickname {
					missingFields = append(missingFields, "nickname")
				} else if setting.OAuth2Client.Username == setting.OAuth2UsernamePreferredUsername {
					missingFields = append(missingFields, "preferred_username")
				} // else: "UserID" and "Email" have been handled above separately
			if len(missingFields) > 0 {
				log.Error(`OAuth2 auto registration (ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION) is enabled but OAuth2 provider %q doesn't return required fields: %s. `+
					`Suggest to: disable auto registration, or make OPENID_CONNECT_SCOPES (for OpenIDConnect) / Authentication Source Scopes (for Admin panel) to request all required fields, and the fields shouldn't be empty.`,
					authSource.Name, strings.Join(missingFields, ","))
				// The RawData is the only way to pass the missing fields to the another page at the moment, other ways all have various problems:
				// by session or cookie: difficult to clean or reset; by URL: could be injected with uncontrollable content; by ctx.Flash: the link_account page is a mess ...
				// Since the RawData is for the provider's data, so we need to use our own prefix here to avoid conflict.
				if gothUser.RawData == nil {
					gothUser.RawData = make(map[string]any)
				gothUser.RawData["__giteaAutoRegMissingFields"] = missingFields
				showLinkingLogin(ctx, gothUser)
			u = &user_model.User{
				Name:        uname,
				FullName:    gothUser.Name,
				Email:       gothUser.Email,
				LoginType:   auth.OAuth2,
				LoginSource: authSource.ID,
				LoginName:   gothUser.UserID,

			overwriteDefault := &user_model.CreateUserOverwriteOptions{
				IsActive: optional.Some(!setting.OAuth2Client.RegisterEmailConfirm && !setting.Service.RegisterManualConfirm),

			source := authSource.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source)

			isAdmin, isRestricted := getUserAdminAndRestrictedFromGroupClaims(source, &gothUser)
			u.IsAdmin = isAdmin.ValueOrDefault(false)
			u.IsRestricted = isRestricted.ValueOrDefault(false)

			if !createAndHandleCreatedUser(ctx, base.TplName(""), nil, u, overwriteDefault, &gothUser, setting.OAuth2Client.AccountLinking != setting.OAuth2AccountLinkingDisabled) {
				// error already handled

			if err := syncGroupsToTeams(ctx, source, &gothUser, u); err != nil {
				ctx.ServerError("SyncGroupsToTeams", err)
		} else {
			// no existing user is found, request attach or new account
			showLinkingLogin(ctx, gothUser)

	handleOAuth2SignIn(ctx, authSource, u, gothUser)

func claimValueToStringSet(claimValue any) container.Set[string] {
	var groups []string

	switch rawGroup := claimValue.(type) {
	case []string:
		groups = rawGroup
	case []any:
		for _, group := range rawGroup {
			groups = append(groups, fmt.Sprintf("%s", group))
		str := fmt.Sprintf("%s", rawGroup)
		groups = strings.Split(str, ",")
	return container.SetOf(groups...)

func syncGroupsToTeams(ctx *context.Context, source *oauth2.Source, gothUser *goth.User, u *user_model.User) error {
	if source.GroupTeamMap != "" || source.GroupTeamMapRemoval {
		groupTeamMapping, err := auth_module.UnmarshalGroupTeamMapping(source.GroupTeamMap)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		groups := getClaimedGroups(source, gothUser)

		if err := source_service.SyncGroupsToTeams(ctx, u, groups, groupTeamMapping, source.GroupTeamMapRemoval); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

func getClaimedGroups(source *oauth2.Source, gothUser *goth.User) container.Set[string] {
	groupClaims, has := gothUser.RawData[source.GroupClaimName]
	if !has {
		return nil

	return claimValueToStringSet(groupClaims)

func getUserAdminAndRestrictedFromGroupClaims(source *oauth2.Source, gothUser *goth.User) (isAdmin, isRestricted optional.Option[bool]) {
	groups := getClaimedGroups(source, gothUser)

	if source.AdminGroup != "" {
		isAdmin = optional.Some(groups.Contains(source.AdminGroup))
	if source.RestrictedGroup != "" {
		isRestricted = optional.Some(groups.Contains(source.RestrictedGroup))

	return isAdmin, isRestricted

func showLinkingLogin(ctx *context.Context, gothUser goth.User) {
	if err := updateSession(ctx, nil, map[string]any{
		"linkAccountGothUser": gothUser,
	}); err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("updateSession", err)
	ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/link_account")

func updateAvatarIfNeed(ctx *context.Context, url string, u *user_model.User) {
	if setting.OAuth2Client.UpdateAvatar && len(url) > 0 {
		resp, err := http.Get(url)
		if err == nil {
			defer func() {
				_ = resp.Body.Close()
		// ignore any error
		if err == nil && resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
			data, err := io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, setting.Avatar.MaxFileSize+1))
			if err == nil && int64(len(data)) <= setting.Avatar.MaxFileSize {
				_ = user_service.UploadAvatar(ctx, u, data)

func handleOAuth2SignIn(ctx *context.Context, source *auth.Source, u *user_model.User, gothUser goth.User) {
	updateAvatarIfNeed(ctx, gothUser.AvatarURL, u)

	needs2FA := false
	if !source.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source).SkipLocalTwoFA {
		_, err := auth.GetTwoFactorByUID(ctx, u.ID)
		if err != nil && !auth.IsErrTwoFactorNotEnrolled(err) {
			ctx.ServerError("UserSignIn", err)
		needs2FA = err == nil

	oauth2Source := source.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source)
	groupTeamMapping, err := auth_module.UnmarshalGroupTeamMapping(oauth2Source.GroupTeamMap)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("UnmarshalGroupTeamMapping", err)

	groups := getClaimedGroups(oauth2Source, &gothUser)

	opts := &user_service.UpdateOptions{}

	// Reactivate user if they are deactivated
	if !u.IsActive {
		opts.IsActive = optional.Some(true)

	// Update GroupClaims
	opts.IsAdmin, opts.IsRestricted = getUserAdminAndRestrictedFromGroupClaims(oauth2Source, &gothUser)

	if oauth2Source.GroupTeamMap != "" || oauth2Source.GroupTeamMapRemoval {
		if err := source_service.SyncGroupsToTeams(ctx, u, groups, groupTeamMapping, oauth2Source.GroupTeamMapRemoval); err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SyncGroupsToTeams", err)

	if err := externalaccount.EnsureLinkExternalToUser(ctx, u, gothUser); err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("EnsureLinkExternalToUser", err)

	// If this user is enrolled in 2FA and this source doesn't override it,
	// we can't sign the user in just yet. Instead, redirect them to the 2FA authentication page.
	if !needs2FA {
		// Register last login
		opts.SetLastLogin = true

		if err := user_service.UpdateUser(ctx, u, opts); err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("UpdateUser", err)

		if err := updateSession(ctx, nil, map[string]any{
			"uid":   u.ID,
			"uname": u.Name,
		}); err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("updateSession", err)

		// force to generate a new CSRF token

		if err := resetLocale(ctx, u); err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("resetLocale", err)

		if redirectTo := ctx.GetSiteCookie("redirect_to"); len(redirectTo) > 0 {

		ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/")

	if opts.IsActive.Has() || opts.IsAdmin.Has() || opts.IsRestricted.Has() {
		if err := user_service.UpdateUser(ctx, u, opts); err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("UpdateUser", err)

	if err := updateSession(ctx, nil, map[string]any{
		// User needs to use 2FA, save data and redirect to 2FA page.
		"twofaUid":      u.ID,
		"twofaRemember": false,
	}); err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("updateSession", err)

	// If WebAuthn is enrolled -> Redirect to WebAuthn instead
	regs, err := auth.GetWebAuthnCredentialsByUID(ctx, u.ID)
	if err == nil && len(regs) > 0 {
		ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/webauthn")

	ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/two_factor")

// OAuth2UserLoginCallback attempts to handle the callback from the OAuth2 provider and if successful
// login the user
func oAuth2UserLoginCallback(ctx *context.Context, authSource *auth.Source, request *http.Request, response http.ResponseWriter) (*user_model.User, goth.User, error) {
	oauth2Source := authSource.Cfg.(*oauth2.Source)

	// Make sure that the response is not an error response.
	errorName := request.FormValue("error")

	if len(errorName) > 0 {
		errorDescription := request.FormValue("error_description")

		// Delete the goth session
		err := gothic.Logout(response, request)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, goth.User{}, err

		return nil, goth.User{}, errCallback{
			Code:        errorName,
			Description: errorDescription,

	// Proceed to authenticate through goth.
	gothUser, err := oauth2Source.Callback(request, response)
	if err != nil {
		if err.Error() == "securecookie: the value is too long" || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Data too long") {
			log.Error("OAuth2 Provider %s returned too long a token. Current max: %d. Either increase the [OAuth2] MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH or reduce the information returned from the OAuth2 provider", authSource.Name, setting.OAuth2.MaxTokenLength)
			err = fmt.Errorf("OAuth2 Provider %s returned too long a token. Current max: %d. Either increase the [OAuth2] MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH or reduce the information returned from the OAuth2 provider", authSource.Name, setting.OAuth2.MaxTokenLength)
		return nil, goth.User{}, err

	if oauth2Source.RequiredClaimName != "" {
		claimInterface, has := gothUser.RawData[oauth2Source.RequiredClaimName]
		if !has {
			return nil, goth.User{}, user_model.ErrUserProhibitLogin{Name: gothUser.UserID}

		if oauth2Source.RequiredClaimValue != "" {
			groups := claimValueToStringSet(claimInterface)

			if !groups.Contains(oauth2Source.RequiredClaimValue) {
				return nil, goth.User{}, user_model.ErrUserProhibitLogin{Name: gothUser.UserID}

	user := &user_model.User{
		LoginName:   gothUser.UserID,
		LoginType:   auth.OAuth2,
		LoginSource: authSource.ID,

	hasUser, err := user_model.GetUser(ctx, user)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, goth.User{}, err

	if hasUser {
		return user, gothUser, nil

	// search in external linked users
	externalLoginUser := &user_model.ExternalLoginUser{
		ExternalID:    gothUser.UserID,
		LoginSourceID: authSource.ID,
	hasUser, err = user_model.GetExternalLogin(request.Context(), externalLoginUser)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, goth.User{}, err
	if hasUser {
		user, err = user_model.GetUserByID(request.Context(), externalLoginUser.UserID)
		return user, gothUser, err

	// no user found to login
	return nil, gothUser, nil