import {fomanticQuery} from '../modules/fomantic/base.ts'; import {POST} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import {queryElemChildren, toggleElem} from '../utils/dom.ts'; // if there are draft comments, confirm before reloading, to avoid losing comments export function issueSidebarReloadConfirmDraftComment() { const commentTextareas = [ document.querySelector('.edit-content-zone:not(.tw-hidden) textarea'), document.querySelector('#comment-form textarea'), ]; for (const textarea of commentTextareas) { // Most users won't feel too sad if they lose a comment with 10 chars, they can re-type these in seconds. // But if they have typed more (like 50) chars and the comment is lost, they will be very unhappy. if (textarea && textarea.value.trim().length > 10) { textarea.parentElement.scrollIntoView(); if (!window.confirm('Page will be reloaded, but there are draft comments. Continuing to reload will discard the comments. Continue?')) { return; } break; } } window.location.reload(); } function collectCheckedValues(elDropdown: HTMLElement) { return Array.from(elDropdown.querySelectorAll('.menu > .item.checked'), (el) => el.getAttribute('data-value')); } export function initIssueSidebarComboList(container: HTMLElement) { if (!container) return; const updateUrl = container.getAttribute('data-update-url'); const elDropdown = container.querySelector(':scope > .ui.dropdown'); const elList = container.querySelector(':scope > .ui.list'); const elComboValue = container.querySelector(':scope > .combo-value'); const initialValues = collectCheckedValues(elDropdown); elDropdown.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const elItem = ( as HTMLElement).closest('.item'); if (!elItem) return; e.preventDefault(); if (elItem.getAttribute('data-can-change') !== 'true') return; elItem.classList.toggle('checked'); elComboValue.value = collectCheckedValues(elDropdown).join(','); }); const updateToBackend = async (changedValues) => { let changed = false; for (const value of initialValues) { if (!changedValues.includes(value)) { await POST(updateUrl, {data: new URLSearchParams({action: 'detach', id: value})}); changed = true; } } for (const value of changedValues) { if (!initialValues.includes(value)) { await POST(updateUrl, {data: new URLSearchParams({action: 'attach', id: value})}); changed = true; } } if (changed) issueSidebarReloadConfirmDraftComment(); }; const syncList = (changedValues) => { const elEmptyTip = elList.querySelector('.item.empty-list'); queryElemChildren(elList, '.item:not(.empty-list)', (el) => el.remove()); for (const value of changedValues) { const el = elDropdown.querySelector(`.menu > .item[data-value="${value}"]`); const listItem = el.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement; listItem.querySelector('svg.octicon-check')?.remove(); elList.append(listItem); } const hasItems = Boolean(elList.querySelector('.item:not(.empty-list)')); toggleElem(elEmptyTip, !hasItems); }; fomanticQuery(elDropdown).dropdown({ action: 'nothing', // do not hide the menu if user presses Enter fullTextSearch: 'exact', async onHide() { const changedValues = collectCheckedValues(elDropdown); if (updateUrl) { await updateToBackend(changedValues); // send requests to backend and reload the page } else { syncList(changedValues); // only update the list in the sidebar } }, }); }