// Copyright 2016 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package public

import (


func CustomAssets() *assetfs.Layer {
	return assetfs.Local("custom", setting.CustomPath, "public")

func AssetFS() *assetfs.LayeredFS {
	return assetfs.Layered(CustomAssets(), BuiltinAssets())

// FileHandlerFunc implements the static handler for serving files in "public" assets
func FileHandlerFunc() http.HandlerFunc {
	assetFS := AssetFS()
	return func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if req.Method != "GET" && req.Method != "HEAD" {
		handleRequest(resp, req, assetFS, req.URL.Path)

// parseAcceptEncoding parse Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip;q=1.0, *;q=0.5 as compress methods
func parseAcceptEncoding(val string) container.Set[string] {
	parts := strings.Split(val, ";")
	types := make(container.Set[string])
	for _, v := range strings.Split(parts[0], ",") {
	return types

// setWellKnownContentType will set the Content-Type if the file is a well-known type.
// See the comments of detectWellKnownMimeType
func setWellKnownContentType(w http.ResponseWriter, file string) {
	mimeType := detectWellKnownMimeType(path.Ext(file))
	if mimeType != "" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mimeType)

func handleRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, fs http.FileSystem, file string) {
	// actually, fs (http.FileSystem) is designed to be a safe interface, relative paths won't bypass its parent directory, it's also fine to do a clean here
	f, err := fs.Open(util.PathJoinRelX(file))
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		log.Error("[Static] Open %q failed: %v", file, err)
	defer f.Close()

	fi, err := f.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("[Static] %q exists, but fails to open: %v", file, err)

	// need to serve index file? (no at the moment)
	if fi.IsDir() {

	serveContent(w, req, fi, fi.ModTime(), f)

type GzipBytesProvider interface {
	GzipBytes() []byte

// serveContent serve http content
func serveContent(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, fi os.FileInfo, modtime time.Time, content io.ReadSeeker) {
	setWellKnownContentType(w, fi.Name())

	encodings := parseAcceptEncoding(req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding"))
	if encodings.Contains("gzip") {
		// try to provide gzip content directly from bindata (provided by vfsgen۰CompressedFileInfo)
		if compressed, ok := fi.(GzipBytesProvider); ok {
			rdGzip := bytes.NewReader(compressed.GzipBytes())
			// all gzipped static files (from bindata) are managed by Gitea, so we can make sure every file has the correct ext name
			// then we can get the correct Content-Type, we do not need to do http.DetectContentType on the decompressed data
			if w.Header().Get("Content-Type") == "" {
				w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
			w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
			httpcache.ServeContentWithCacheControl(w, req, fi.Name(), modtime, rdGzip)

	httpcache.ServeContentWithCacheControl(w, req, fi.Name(), modtime, content)