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// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package models
import (
// LabelColorPattern is a regexp witch can validate LabelColor
var LabelColorPattern = regexp.MustCompile("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")
// Label represents a label of repository for issues.
type Label struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"`
OrgID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"`
Name string
Description string
Color string `xorm:"VARCHAR(7)"`
NumIssues int
NumClosedIssues int
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"`
UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"`
NumOpenIssues int `xorm:"-"`
NumOpenRepoIssues int64 `xorm:"-"`
IsChecked bool `xorm:"-"`
QueryString string `xorm:"-"`
IsSelected bool `xorm:"-"`
IsExcluded bool `xorm:"-"`
// GetLabelTemplateFile loads the label template file by given name,
// then parses and returns a list of name-color pairs and optionally description.
func GetLabelTemplateFile(name string) ([][3]string, error) {
data, err := GetRepoInitFile("label", name)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrIssueLabelTemplateLoad{name, fmt.Errorf("GetRepoInitFile: %v", err)}
lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
list := make([][3]string, 0, len(lines))
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
line := strings.TrimSpace(lines[i])
if len(line) == 0 {
parts := strings.SplitN(line, ";", 2)
fields := strings.SplitN(parts[0], " ", 2)
if len(fields) != 2 {
return nil, ErrIssueLabelTemplateLoad{name, fmt.Errorf("line is malformed: %s", line)}
color := strings.Trim(fields[0], " ")
if len(color) == 6 {
color = "#" + color
if !LabelColorPattern.MatchString(color) {
return nil, ErrIssueLabelTemplateLoad{name, fmt.Errorf("bad HTML color code in line: %s", line)}
var description string
if len(parts) > 1 {
description = strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
fields[1] = strings.TrimSpace(fields[1])
list = append(list, [3]string{fields[1], color, description})
return list, nil
// CalOpenIssues sets the number of open issues of a label based on the already stored number of closed issues.
func (label *Label) CalOpenIssues() {
label.NumOpenIssues = label.NumIssues - label.NumClosedIssues
// CalOpenOrgIssues calculates the open issues of a label for a specific repo
func (label *Label) CalOpenOrgIssues(repoID, labelID int64) {
repoIDs := []int64{repoID}
labelIDs := []int64{labelID}
counts, _ := CountIssuesByRepo(&IssuesOptions{
RepoIDs: repoIDs,
LabelIDs: labelIDs,
for _, count := range counts {
label.NumOpenRepoIssues += count
// LoadSelectedLabelsAfterClick calculates the set of selected labels when a label is clicked
func (label *Label) LoadSelectedLabelsAfterClick(currentSelectedLabels []int64) {
var labelQuerySlice []string
labelSelected := false
labelID := strconv.FormatInt(label.ID, 10)
for _, s := range currentSelectedLabels {
if s == label.ID {
labelSelected = true
} else if -s == label.ID {
labelSelected = true
label.IsExcluded = true
} else if s != 0 {
labelQuerySlice = append(labelQuerySlice, strconv.FormatInt(s, 10))
if !labelSelected {
labelQuerySlice = append(labelQuerySlice, labelID)
label.IsSelected = labelSelected
label.QueryString = strings.Join(labelQuerySlice, ",")
// BelongsToOrg returns true if label is an organization label
func (label *Label) BelongsToOrg() bool {
return label.OrgID > 0
// BelongsToRepo returns true if label is a repository label
func (label *Label) BelongsToRepo() bool {
return label.RepoID > 0
// ForegroundColor calculates the text color for labels based
// on their background color.
func (label *Label) ForegroundColor() template.CSS {
if strings.HasPrefix(label.Color, "#") {
if color, err := strconv.ParseUint(label.Color[1:], 16, 64); err == nil {
r := float32(0xFF & (color >> 16))
g := float32(0xFF & (color >> 8))
b := float32(0xFF & color)
luminance := (0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b) / 255
if luminance < 0.66 {
return template.CSS("#fff")
// default to black
return template.CSS("#000")
// .____ ___. .__
// | | _____ \_ |__ ____ | |
// | | \__ \ | __ \_/ __ \| |
// | |___ / __ \| \_\ \ ___/| |__
// >_______ (____ /___ /\___ >____/
func loadLabels(labelTemplate string) ([]string, error) {
list, err := GetLabelTemplateFile(labelTemplate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
labels := make([]string, len(list))
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
labels[i] = list[i][0]
return labels, nil
// LoadLabelsFormatted loads the labels' list of a template file as a string separated by comma
func LoadLabelsFormatted(labelTemplate string) (string, error) {
labels, err := loadLabels(labelTemplate)
return strings.Join(labels, ", "), err
func initializeLabels(e Engine, id int64, labelTemplate string, isOrg bool) error {
list, err := GetLabelTemplateFile(labelTemplate)
if err != nil {
return err
labels := make([]*Label, len(list))
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
labels[i] = &Label{
Name: list[i][0],
Description: list[i][2],
Color: list[i][1],
if isOrg {
labels[i].OrgID = id
} else {
labels[i].RepoID = id
for _, label := range labels {
if err = newLabel(e, label); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InitializeLabels adds a label set to a repository using a template
func InitializeLabels(ctx DBContext, repoID int64, labelTemplate string, isOrg bool) error {
return initializeLabels(ctx.e, repoID, labelTemplate, isOrg)
func newLabel(e Engine, label *Label) error {
_, err := e.Insert(label)
return err
// NewLabel creates a new label
func NewLabel(label *Label) error {
if !LabelColorPattern.MatchString(label.Color) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad color code: %s", label.Color)
return newLabel(x, label)
// NewLabels creates new labels
func NewLabels(labels ...*Label) error {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
for _, label := range labels {
if !LabelColorPattern.MatchString(label.Color) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad color code: %s", label.Color)
if err := newLabel(sess, label); err != nil {
return err
return sess.Commit()
// UpdateLabel updates label information.
func UpdateLabel(l *Label) error {
if !LabelColorPattern.MatchString(l.Color) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad color code: %s", l.Color)
return updateLabelCols(x, l, "name", "description", "color")
// DeleteLabel delete a label
func DeleteLabel(id, labelID int64) error {
label, err := GetLabelByID(labelID)
if err != nil {
if IsErrLabelNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
if err = sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
if label.BelongsToOrg() && label.OrgID != id {
return nil
if label.BelongsToRepo() && label.RepoID != id {
return nil
if _, err = sess.ID(labelID).Delete(new(Label)); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err = sess.
Where("label_id = ?", labelID).
Delete(new(IssueLabel)); err != nil {
return err
// delete comments about now deleted label_id
if _, err = sess.Where("label_id = ?", labelID).Cols("label_id").Delete(&Comment{}); err != nil {
return err
return sess.Commit()
// getLabelByID returns a label by label id
func getLabelByID(e Engine, labelID int64) (*Label, error) {
if labelID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrLabelNotExist{labelID}
l := &Label{}
has, err := e.ID(labelID).Get(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !has {
return nil, ErrLabelNotExist{l.ID}
return l, nil
// GetLabelByID returns a label by given ID.
func GetLabelByID(id int64) (*Label, error) {
return getLabelByID(x, id)
// GetLabelsByIDs returns a list of labels by IDs
func GetLabelsByIDs(labelIDs []int64) ([]*Label, error) {
labels := make([]*Label, 0, len(labelIDs))
return labels, x.Table("label").
In("id", labelIDs).
// __________ .__ __
// \______ \ ____ ______ ____ _____|__|/ |_ ___________ ___.__.
// | _// __ \\____ \ / _ \/ ___/ \ __\/ _ \_ __ < | |
// | | \ ___/| |_> > <_> )___ \| || | ( <_> ) | \/\___ |
// |____|_ /\___ > __/ \____/____ >__||__| \____/|__| / ____|
// \/ \/|__| \/ \/
// getLabelInRepoByName returns a label by Name in given repository.
func getLabelInRepoByName(e Engine, repoID int64, labelName string) (*Label, error) {
if len(labelName) == 0 || repoID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrRepoLabelNotExist{0, repoID}
l := &Label{
Name: labelName,
RepoID: repoID,
has, err := e.Get(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !has {
return nil, ErrRepoLabelNotExist{0, l.RepoID}
return l, nil
// getLabelInRepoByID returns a label by ID in given repository.
func getLabelInRepoByID(e Engine, repoID, labelID int64) (*Label, error) {
if labelID <= 0 || repoID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrRepoLabelNotExist{labelID, repoID}
l := &Label{
ID: labelID,
RepoID: repoID,
has, err := e.Get(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !has {
return nil, ErrRepoLabelNotExist{l.ID, l.RepoID}
return l, nil
// GetLabelInRepoByName returns a label by name in given repository.
func GetLabelInRepoByName(repoID int64, labelName string) (*Label, error) {
return getLabelInRepoByName(x, repoID, labelName)
// GetLabelIDsInRepoByNames returns a list of labelIDs by names in a given
// repository.
// it silently ignores label names that do not belong to the repository.
func GetLabelIDsInRepoByNames(repoID int64, labelNames []string) ([]int64, error) {
labelIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(labelNames))
return labelIDs, x.Table("label").
Where("repo_id = ?", repoID).
In("name", labelNames).
// BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition returns a builder where get issue ids match label names
func BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition(labelNames []string) *builder.Builder {
return builder.Select("issue_label.issue_id").
InnerJoin("label", "label.id = issue_label.label_id").
builder.In("label.name", labelNames),
// GetLabelInRepoByID returns a label by ID in given repository.
func GetLabelInRepoByID(repoID, labelID int64) (*Label, error) {
return getLabelInRepoByID(x, repoID, labelID)
// GetLabelsInRepoByIDs returns a list of labels by IDs in given repository,
// it silently ignores label IDs that do not belong to the repository.
func GetLabelsInRepoByIDs(repoID int64, labelIDs []int64) ([]*Label, error) {
labels := make([]*Label, 0, len(labelIDs))
return labels, x.
Where("repo_id = ?", repoID).
In("id", labelIDs).
func getLabelsByRepoID(e Engine, repoID int64, sortType string, listOptions ListOptions) ([]*Label, error) {
if repoID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrRepoLabelNotExist{0, repoID}
labels := make([]*Label, 0, 10)
sess := e.Where("repo_id = ?", repoID)
switch sortType {
case "reversealphabetically":
case "leastissues":
case "mostissues":
if listOptions.Page != 0 {
sess = listOptions.setSessionPagination(sess)
return labels, sess.Find(&labels)
// GetLabelsByRepoID returns all labels that belong to given repository by ID.
func GetLabelsByRepoID(repoID int64, sortType string, listOptions ListOptions) ([]*Label, error) {
return getLabelsByRepoID(x, repoID, sortType, listOptions)
// ________
// \_____ \_______ ____
// / | \_ __ \/ ___\
// / | \ | \/ /_/ >
// \_______ /__| \___ /
// \/ /_____/
// getLabelInOrgByName returns a label by Name in given organization
func getLabelInOrgByName(e Engine, orgID int64, labelName string) (*Label, error) {
if len(labelName) == 0 || orgID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{0, orgID}
l := &Label{
Name: labelName,
OrgID: orgID,
has, err := e.Get(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !has {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{0, l.OrgID}
return l, nil
// getLabelInOrgByID returns a label by ID in given organization.
func getLabelInOrgByID(e Engine, orgID, labelID int64) (*Label, error) {
if labelID <= 0 || orgID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{labelID, orgID}
l := &Label{
ID: labelID,
OrgID: orgID,
has, err := e.Get(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !has {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{l.ID, l.OrgID}
return l, nil
// GetLabelInOrgByName returns a label by name in given organization.
func GetLabelInOrgByName(orgID int64, labelName string) (*Label, error) {
return getLabelInOrgByName(x, orgID, labelName)
// GetLabelIDsInOrgByNames returns a list of labelIDs by names in a given
// organization.
func GetLabelIDsInOrgByNames(orgID int64, labelNames []string) ([]int64, error) {
if orgID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{0, orgID}
labelIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(labelNames))
return labelIDs, x.Table("label").
Where("org_id = ?", orgID).
In("name", labelNames).
// GetLabelIDsInOrgsByNames returns a list of labelIDs by names in one of the given
// organization.
// it silently ignores label names that do not belong to the organization.
func GetLabelIDsInOrgsByNames(orgIDs []int64, labelNames []string) ([]int64, error) {
labelIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(labelNames))
return labelIDs, x.Table("label").
In("org_id", orgIDs).
In("name", labelNames).
// GetLabelInOrgByID returns a label by ID in given organization.
func GetLabelInOrgByID(orgID, labelID int64) (*Label, error) {
return getLabelInOrgByID(x, orgID, labelID)
// GetLabelsInOrgByIDs returns a list of labels by IDs in given organization,
// it silently ignores label IDs that do not belong to the organization.
func GetLabelsInOrgByIDs(orgID int64, labelIDs []int64) ([]*Label, error) {
labels := make([]*Label, 0, len(labelIDs))
return labels, x.
Where("org_id = ?", orgID).
In("id", labelIDs).
func getLabelsByOrgID(e Engine, orgID int64, sortType string, listOptions ListOptions) ([]*Label, error) {
if orgID <= 0 {
return nil, ErrOrgLabelNotExist{0, orgID}
labels := make([]*Label, 0, 10)
sess := e.Where("org_id = ?", orgID)
switch sortType {
case "reversealphabetically":
case "leastissues":
case "mostissues":
if listOptions.Page != 0 {
sess = listOptions.setSessionPagination(sess)
return labels, sess.Find(&labels)
// GetLabelsByOrgID returns all labels that belong to given organization by ID.
func GetLabelsByOrgID(orgID int64, sortType string, listOptions ListOptions) ([]*Label, error) {
return getLabelsByOrgID(x, orgID, sortType, listOptions)
// .___
// | | ______ ________ __ ____
// | |/ ___// ___/ | \_/ __ \
// | |\___ \ \___ \| | /\ ___/
// |___/____ >____ >____/ \___ |
// \/ \/ \/
func getLabelsByIssueID(e Engine, issueID int64) ([]*Label, error) {
var labels []*Label
return labels, e.Where("issue_label.issue_id = ?", issueID).
Join("LEFT", "issue_label", "issue_label.label_id = label.id").
// GetLabelsByIssueID returns all labels that belong to given issue by ID.
func GetLabelsByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]*Label, error) {
return getLabelsByIssueID(x, issueID)
func updateLabelCols(e Engine, l *Label, cols ...string) error {
_, err := e.ID(l.ID).
Where(builder.Eq{"label_id": l.ID}),
InnerJoin("issue", "issue_label.issue_id = issue.id").
"issue_label.label_id": l.ID,
"issue.is_closed": true,
return err
// .___ .____ ___. .__
// | | ______ ________ __ ____ | | _____ \_ |__ ____ | |
// | |/ ___// ___/ | \_/ __ \| | \__ \ | __ \_/ __ \| |
// | |\___ \ \___ \| | /\ ___/| |___ / __ \| \_\ \ ___/| |__
// |___/____ >____ >____/ \___ >_______ (____ /___ /\___ >____/
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
// IssueLabel represents an issue-label relation.
type IssueLabel struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
IssueID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s)"`
LabelID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s)"`
func hasIssueLabel(e Engine, issueID, labelID int64) bool {
has, _ := e.Where("issue_id = ? AND label_id = ?", issueID, labelID).Get(new(IssueLabel))
return has
// HasIssueLabel returns true if issue has been labeled.
func HasIssueLabel(issueID, labelID int64) bool {
return hasIssueLabel(x, issueID, labelID)
func newIssueLabel(e *xorm.Session, issue *Issue, label *Label, doer *User) (err error) {
if _, err = e.Insert(&IssueLabel{
IssueID: issue.ID,
LabelID: label.ID,
}); err != nil {
return err
if err = issue.loadRepo(e); err != nil {
var opts = &CreateCommentOptions{
Type: CommentTypeLabel,
Doer: doer,
Repo: issue.Repo,
Issue: issue,
Label: label,
Content: "1",
if _, err = createComment(e, opts); err != nil {
return err
return updateLabelCols(e, label, "num_issues", "num_closed_issue")
// NewIssueLabel creates a new issue-label relation.
func NewIssueLabel(issue *Issue, label *Label, doer *User) (err error) {
if HasIssueLabel(issue.ID, label.ID) {
return nil
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
if err = sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
if err = newIssueLabel(sess, issue, label, doer); err != nil {
return err
issue.Labels = nil
if err = issue.loadLabels(sess); err != nil {
return err
return sess.Commit()
func newIssueLabels(e *xorm.Session, issue *Issue, labels []*Label, doer *User) (err error) {
for i := range labels {
if hasIssueLabel(e, issue.ID, labels[i].ID) {
if err = newIssueLabel(e, issue, labels[i], doer); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("newIssueLabel: %v", err)
return nil
// NewIssueLabels creates a list of issue-label relations.
func NewIssueLabels(issue *Issue, labels []*Label, doer *User) (err error) {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
if err = sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
if err = newIssueLabels(sess, issue, labels, doer); err != nil {
return err
issue.Labels = nil
if err = issue.loadLabels(sess); err != nil {
return err
return sess.Commit()
func deleteIssueLabel(e *xorm.Session, issue *Issue, label *Label, doer *User) (err error) {
if count, err := e.Delete(&IssueLabel{
IssueID: issue.ID,
LabelID: label.ID,
}); err != nil {
return err
} else if count == 0 {
return nil
if err = issue.loadRepo(e); err != nil {
var opts = &CreateCommentOptions{
Type: CommentTypeLabel,
Doer: doer,
Repo: issue.Repo,
Issue: issue,
Label: label,
if _, err = createComment(e, opts); err != nil {
return err
return updateLabelCols(e, label, "num_issues", "num_closed_issue")
// DeleteIssueLabel deletes issue-label relation.
func DeleteIssueLabel(issue *Issue, label *Label, doer *User) (err error) {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
if err = sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
if err = deleteIssueLabel(sess, issue, label, doer); err != nil {
return err
issue.Labels = nil
if err = issue.loadLabels(sess); err != nil {
return err
return sess.Commit()