This is a large and complex PR, so let me explain in detail its changes. First, I had to create new index mappings for Bleve and ElasticSerach as the current ones do not support search by filename. This requires Gitea to recreate the code search indexes (I do not know if this is a breaking change, but I feel it deserves a heads-up). I've used [this approach]( to model the filename index. It allows us to efficiently search for both the full path and the name of a file. Bleve, however, does not support this out-of-box, so I had to code a brand new [token filter]( to generate the search terms. I also did an overhaul in the `indexer_test.go` file. It now asserts the order of the expected results (this is important since matches based on the name of a file are more relevant than those based on its content). I've added new test scenarios that deal with searching by filename. They use a new repo included in the Gitea fixture. The screenshot below depicts how Gitea shows the search results. It shows results based on content in the same way as the current version does. In matches based on the filename, the first seven lines of the file contents are shown (BTW, this is how GitHub does it).  Resolves #32096 --------- Signed-off-by: Bruno Sofiato <>
Integration tests
Integration tests can be run with make commands for the appropriate backends, namely:
make test-sqlite
make test-pgsql
make test-mysql
make test-mssql
Make sure to perform a clean build before running tests:
make clean build
Run tests via local act_runner
Run all jobs
act_runner exec -W ./.github/workflows/pull-db-tests.yml --event=pull_request --default-actions-url="" -i catthehacker/ubuntu:runner-latest
Warning: This file defines many jobs, so it will be resource-intensive and therefor not recommended.
Run single job
act_runner exec -W ./.github/workflows/pull-db-tests.yml --event=pull_request --default-actions-url="" -i catthehacker/ubuntu:runner-latest -j <job_name>
You can list all job names via:
act_runner exec -W ./.github/workflows/pull-db-tests.yml --event=pull_request --default-actions-url="" -i catthehacker/ubuntu:runner-latest -l
Run sqlite integration tests
Start tests
make test-sqlite
Run MySQL integration tests
Setup a MySQL database inside docker
docker run -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=test" -e "MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes" -p 3306:3306 --rm --name mysql mysql:latest #(just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --rm --name elasticsearch elasticsearch:7.6.0 #(in a second terminal, just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
Start tests based on the database container
Run pgsql integration tests
Setup a pgsql database inside docker
docker run -e "POSTGRES_DB=test" -e "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" -p 5432:5432 --rm --name pgsql postgres:latest #(just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
Setup minio inside docker
docker run --rm -p 9000:9000 -e MINIO_ROOT_USER=123456 -e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345678 --name minio bitnami/minio:2023.8.31
Start tests based on the database container
TEST_MINIO_ENDPOINT=localhost:9000 TEST_PGSQL_HOST=localhost:5432 TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME=postgres TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME=postgres TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD=postgres make test-pgsql
Run mssql integration tests
Setup a mssql database inside docker
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_PID=Standard" -e "SA_PASSWORD=MwantsaSecurePassword1" -p 1433:1433 --rm --name mssql microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest #(just ctrl-c to stop db and clean the container)
Start tests based on the database container
TEST_MSSQL_HOST=localhost:1433 TEST_MSSQL_DBNAME=gitea_test TEST_MSSQL_USERNAME=sa TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD=MwantsaSecurePassword1 make test-mssql
Running individual tests
Example command to run GPG test:
For SQLite:
make test-sqlite#GPG
For other databases(replace mssql
to mysql
, or pgsql
TEST_MSSQL_HOST=localhost:1433 TEST_MSSQL_DBNAME=test TEST_MSSQL_USERNAME=sa TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD=MwantsaSecurePassword1 make test-mssql#GPG
Setting timeouts for declaring long-tests and long-flushes
We appreciate that some testing machines may not be very powerful and the default timeouts for declaring a slow test or a slow clean-up flush may not be appropriate.
You can either:
- Within the test ini file set the following section:
SLOW_TEST = 10s ; 10s is the default value
SLOW_FLUSH = 5S ; 5s is the default value
- Set the following environment variables:
GITEA_SLOW_TEST_TIME="10s" GITEA_SLOW_FLUSH_TIME="5s" make test-sqlite