.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/martinhoefling/rsyncd-formula.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/martinhoefling/rsyncd-formula ================ rsyncd-formula ================ A formula to install and configure rsync as daemon process. .. note:: See the full `Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions `_. Available states ================ .. contents:: :local: ``rsyncd`` ------------ Installs the rsync package, and starts the rsyncd service. Note: The rsyncd.conf has to be created manually / via another state. If the state of the config should also be managed via salt, the rsyncd.config state (which pulls rsyncd) should be used instead. ``rsyncd.config`` ------------ Configure the rsync daemon by writing an rsync.conf and rsync secrets (optional). Testing ======= As you can read in .travis.yml, testing is a matter of symlinking this directory to /srv/formula (because we can't use relative paths in file_roots / pillar_roots) and running:: salt-call state.sls rsyncd --local --retcode-passthrough --file-root=/srv/formula --pillar-root=test/pillar