{% from "salt/map.jinja" import salt_settings with context %} salt-minion: {% if salt_settings.install_packages %} pkg.installed: - name: {{ salt_settings.salt_minion }} {% endif %} file.recurse: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/minion.d - template: jinja - source: salt://{{ slspath }}/files/minion.d - clean: {{ salt_settings.clean_config_d_dir }} - exclude_pat: _* - context: standalone: False service.running: - enable: True - name: {{ salt_settings.minion_service }} {%- if not salt_settings.restart_via_at %} - watch: {%- if salt_settings.install_packages %} - pkg: salt-minion {%- endif %} - file: salt-minion - file: remove-old-minion-conf-file {%- else %} at: pkg.installed: [] restart-salt-minion: cmd.wait: - name: echo salt-call --local service.restart salt-minion | at now + 1 minute - order: last - reqiure: - pkg: at - watch: {%- if salt_settings.install_packages %} - pkg: salt-minion {%- endif %} - file: salt-minion - file: remove-old-minion-conf-file {%- endif %} {% if salt_settings.minion_remove_config %} remove-default-minion-conf-file: file.absent: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/minion {% endif %} # clean up old _defaults.conf file if they have it around remove-old-minion-conf-file: file.absent: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/minion.d/_defaults.conf