{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import salt_settings with context %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %} {% if salt_settings.pin_version and salt_settings.version and grains.os_family|lower == 'debian' %} include: - .pin {% endif %} {%- if grains.os == 'MacOS' %} salt-master-macos: file.managed: - name: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saltstack.salt.master.plist - source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saltstack/salt/master/pkg/osx/scripts/com.saltstack.salt.master.plist - source_hash: {{ salt_settings.salt_master_macos_plist_hash }} - retry: attempts: 2 until: True interval: 10 splay: 10 cmd.run: - names: - launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saltstack.salt.master.plist - launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saltstack.salt.master.plist - require: - file: salt-master-macos - require_in: - service: salt-master {%- endif %} salt-master: {% if salt_settings.install_packages %} pkg.installed: - name: {{ salt_settings.salt_master }} {%- if salt_settings.version is defined %} - version: {{ salt_settings.version }} {%- endif %} {% if salt_settings.master_service_details.state != 'ignore' %} - require_in: - service: salt-master - watch_in: - service: salt-master {% endif %} {% endif %} file.recurse: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/master.d {%- if salt_settings.master_config_use_TOFS %} - template: '' - source: {{ files_switch(['master.d'], lookup='salt-master' ) }} {%- else %} - template: jinja - source: salt://{{ tplroot }}/files/master.d {%- endif %} - clean: {{ salt_settings.clean_config_d_dir }} - exclude_pat: _* {% if salt_settings.master_service_details.state != 'ignore' %} service.{{ salt_settings.master_service_details.state }}: - enable: {{ salt_settings.master_service_details.enabled }} - name: {{ salt_settings.master_service }} - watch: - file: salt-master-macos - file: salt-master - file: remove-old-master-conf-file {% endif %} {% if salt_settings.master_remove_config %} remove-default-master-conf-file: file.absent: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/master {% endif %} # clean up old _defaults.conf file if they have it around remove-old-master-conf-file: file.absent: - name: {{ salt_settings.config_path }}/master.d/_defaults.conf