mirror of https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/salt-formula.git synced 2025-03-04 05:41:46 +01:00
Kenneth Wilke a6667cdb81 Isolated package mapping and some fixes
Moved package_table to it's own file, imported by sls files
Moved minion package under watch
Fixed some template mistakes I made
2013-08-14 14:53:29 -05:00

559 lines
22 KiB

# This file managed by Salt, do not edit by hand!!
# Based on salt version 0.16.3 default config
{% set salt = pillar.get('salt', {}) -%}
{% set minion = salt.get('minion', {}) -%}
{%- macro get_config(configname, default_value) -%}
{%- if configname in minion -%}
{{ configname }}: {{ minion[configname] }}
{%- elif configname in salt -%}
{{ configname }}: {{ salt[configname] }}
{%- else -%}
#{{ configname }}: {{ default_value }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
##### Primary configuration settings #####
# Per default the minion will automatically include all config files
# from minion.d/*.conf (minion.d is a directory in the same directory
# as the main minion config file).
{{ get_config('default_include', 'master.d/*.conf') }}
# Set the location of the salt master server, if the master server cannot be
# resolved, then the minion will fail to start.
{{ get_config('master', 'salt') }}
# Set whether the minion should connect to the master via IPv6
{{ get_config('ipv6', 'False') }}
# Set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to resolve
# the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to 30 seconds.
# Set to zero if the minion should shutdown and not retry.
{{ get_config('retry_dns', '30') }}
# Set the port used by the master reply and authentication server
{{ get_config('master_port', '4506') }}
# The user to run salt
{{ get_config('user', 'root') }}
# Specify the location of the daemon process ID file
{{ get_config('pidfile', '/var/run/salt-minion.pid') }}
# The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir, log_file,
# sock_dir, pidfile.
{{ get_config('root_dir', '/') }}
# The directory to store the pki information in
{{ get_config('pki_dir', '/etc/salt/pki/minion') }}
# Explicitly declare the id for this minion to use, if left commented the id
# will be the hostname as returned by the python call: socket.getfqdn()
# Since salt uses detached ids it is possible to run multiple minions on the
# same machine but with different ids, this can be useful for salt compute
# clusters.
{% if 'id' in minion -%}
id: {{ minion['id'] }}
{% else -%}
{%- endif %}
# Append a domain to a hostname in the event that it does not exist. This is
# useful for systems where socket.getfqdn() does not actually result in a
# FQDN (for instance, Solaris).
{{ get_config('append_domain', '') }}
# Custom static grains for this minion can be specified here and used in SLS
# files just like all other grains. This example sets 4 custom grains, with
# the 'roles' grain having two values that can be matched against:
# roles:
# - webserver
# - memcache
# deployment: datacenter4
# cabinet: 13
# cab_u: 14-15
{{ get_config('grains', '{}') }}
# Where cache data goes
{{ get_config('cachedir', '/var/cache/salt/minion') }}
# Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup
{{ get_config('verify_env', 'True') }}
# The minion can locally cache the return data from jobs sent to it, this
# can be a good way to keep track of jobs the minion has executed
# (on the minion side). By default this feature is disabled, to enable
# set cache_jobs to True
{{ get_config('cache_jobs', 'False') }}
# set the directory used to hold unix sockets
{{ get_config('sock_dir', '/var/run/salt/minion') }}
# Set the default outputter used by the salt-call command. The default is
# "nested"
{{ get_config('output', 'nested') }}
# By default output is colored, to disable colored output set the color value
# to False
{{ get_config('color', 'True') }}
# Backup files that are replaced by file.managed and file.recurse under
# 'cachedir'/file_backups relative to their original location and appended
# with a timestamp. The only valid setting is "minion". Disabled by default.
# Alternatively this can be specified for each file in state files:
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
# file.managed:
# - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
# - backup: minion
{{ get_config('backup_mode', 'minion') }}
# When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will
# continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the time, in
# seconds, between those reconnection attempts.
{{ get_config('acceptance_wait_time', '10') }}
# If this is nonzero, the time between reconnection attempts will increase by
# acceptance_wait_time seconds per iteration, up to this maximum. If this is
# set to zero, the time between reconnection attempts will stay constant.
{{ get_config('acceptance_wait_time_max', '0') }}
# When the master key changes, the minion will try to re-auth itself to receive
# the new master key. In larger environments this can cause a SYN flood on the
# master because all minions try to re-auth immediately. To prevent this and
# have a minion wait for a random amount of time, use this optional parameter.
# The wait-time will be a random number of seconds between
# 0 and the defined value.
{{ get_config('random_reauth_delay', '60') }}
# If you dont have any problems with syn-floods, dont bother with the
# three recon_* settings described below, just leave the defaults!
# The ZeroMQ pull-socket that binds to the masters publishing interface tries
# to reconnect immediately, if the socket is disconnected (for example if
# the master processes are restarted). In large setups this will have all
# minions reconnect immediately which might flood the master (the ZeroMQ-default
# is usually a 100ms delay). To prevent this, these three recon_* settings
# can be used.
# recon_default: the interval in milliseconds that the socket should wait before
# trying to reconnect to the master (100ms = 1 second)
# recon_max: the maximum time a socket should wait. each interval the time to wait
# is calculated by doubling the previous time. if recon_max is reached,
# it starts again at recon_default. Short example:
# reconnect 1: the socket will wait 'recon_default' milliseconds
# reconnect 2: 'recon_default' * 2
# reconnect 3: ('recon_default' * 2) * 2
# reconnect 4: value from previous interval * 2
# reconnect 5: value from previous interval * 2
# reconnect x: if value >= recon_max, it starts again with recon_default
# recon_randomize: generate a random wait time on minion start. The wait time will
# be a random value between recon_default and recon_default +
# recon_max. Having all minions reconnect with the same recon_default
# and recon_max value kind of defeats the purpose of being able to
# change these settings. If all minions have the same values and your
# setup is quite large (several thousand minions), they will still
# flood the master. The desired behaviour is to have timeframe within
# all minions try to reconnect.
# Example on how to use these settings:
# The goal: have all minions reconnect within a 60 second timeframe on a disconnect
# The settings:
# recon_default: 1000
# recon_max: 59000
# recon_randomize: True
# Each minion will have a randomized reconnect value between 'recon_default'
# and 'recon_default + recon_max', which in this example means between 1000ms
# 60000ms (or between 1 and 60 seconds). The generated random-value will be
# doubled after each attempt to reconnect. Lets say the generated random
# value is 11 seconds (or 11000ms).
# reconnect 1: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 2: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 3: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect 4: wait 44 seconds
# reconnect 5: wait 55 seconds
# reconnect 6: wait time is bigger than 60 seconds (recon_default + recon_max)
# reconnect 7: wait 11 seconds
# reconnect 8: wait 22 seconds
# reconnect 9: wait 33 seconds
# reconnect x: etc.
# In a setup with ~6000 thousand hosts these settings would average the reconnects
# to about 100 per second and all hosts would be reconnected within 60 seconds.
{{ get_config('recon_default', '100') }}
{{ get_config('recon_max', '5000') }}
{{ get_config('recon_randomize', 'False') }}
# The loop_interval sets how long in seconds the minion will wait between
# evaluating the scheduler and running cleanup tasks. This defaults to a
# sane 60 seconds, but if the minion scheduler needs to be evaluated more
# often lower this value
{{ get_config('loop_interval', '60') }}
# When healing, a dns_check is run. This is to make sure that the originally
# resolved dns has not changed. If this is something that does not happen in
# your environment, set this value to False.
{{ get_config('dns_check', 'True') }}
# Windows platforms lack posix IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter-
# process communications. Set ipc_mode to 'tcp' on such systems
{{ get_config('ipc_mode', 'ipc') }}
# Overwrite the default tcp ports used by the minion when in tcp mode
{{ get_config('tcp_pub_port', '4510') }}
{{ get_config('tcp_pull_port', '4511') }}
# The minion can include configuration from other files. To enable this,
# pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or
# absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory
# the main minion configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use
# of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this
# option then the minion will log a warning message.
# Include a config file from some other path:
# include: /etc/salt/extra_config
# Include config from several files and directories:
# include:
# - /etc/salt/extra_config
# - /etc/roles/webserver
{% if 'include' in minion -%}
{% if isinstance(minion['include'], list) -%}
{% for include in minion['include'] -%}
- {{ include }}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
include: minion['include']
{% endif -%}
{% elif 'include' in salt -%}
{% if isinstance(salt['include'], list) -%}
{% for include in salt['include'] -%}
- {{ include }}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
include: salt['include']
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
##### Minion module management #####
# Disable specific modules. This allows the admin to limit the level of
# access the master has to the minion
{{ get_config('disable_modules', '[cmd,test]') }}
{{ get_config('disable_returners', '[]') }}
# Modules can be loaded from arbitrary paths. This enables the easy deployment
# of third party modules. Modules for returners and minions can be loaded.
# Specify a list of extra directories to search for minion modules and
# returners. These paths must be fully qualified!
{{ get_config('module_dirs', '[]') }}
{{ get_config('returner_dirs', '[]') }}
{{ get_config('states_dirs', '[]') }}
{{ get_config('render_dirs', '[]') }}
# A module provider can be statically overwritten or extended for the minion
# via the providers option, in this case the default module will be
# overwritten by the specified module. In this example the pkg module will
# be provided by the yumpkg5 module instead of the system default.
# providers:
# pkg: yumpkg5
{{ get_config('providers', '{}') }}
# Enable Cython modules searching and loading. (Default: False)
{{ get_config('cython_enable', 'False') }}
##### State Management Settings #####
# The state management system executes all of the state templates on the minion
# to enable more granular control of system state management. The type of
# template and serialization used for state management needs to be configured
# on the minion, the default renderer is yaml_jinja. This is a yaml file
# rendered from a jinja template, the available options are:
# yaml_jinja
# yaml_mako
# yaml_wempy
# json_jinja
# json_mako
# json_wempy
{{ get_config('renderer', 'yaml_jinja') }}
# The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first
# failure detected in the state execution, defaults to False
{{ get_config('failhard', 'False') }}
# autoload_dynamic_modules Turns on automatic loading of modules found in the
# environments on the master. This is turned on by default, to turn of
# autoloading modules when states run set this value to False
{{ get_config('autoload_dynamic_modules', 'True') }}
# clean_dynamic_modules keeps the dynamic modules on the minion in sync with
# the dynamic modules on the master, this means that if a dynamic module is
# not on the master it will be deleted from the minion. By default this is
# enabled and can be disabled by changing this value to False
{{ get_config('clean_dynamic_modules', 'True') }}
# Normally the minion is not isolated to any single environment on the master
# when running states, but the environment can be isolated on the minion side
# by statically setting it. Remember that the recommended way to manage
# environments is to isolate via the top file.
{{ get_config('environment', 'None') }}
# If using the local file directory, then the state top file name needs to be
# defined, by default this is top.sls.
{{ get_config('state_top', 'top.sls') }}
# Run states when the minion daemon starts. To enable, set startup_states to:
# 'highstate' -- Execute state.highstate
# 'sls' -- Read in the sls_list option and execute the named sls files
# 'top' -- Read top_file option and execute based on that file on the Master
{{ get_config('startup_states', "''") }}
# list of states to run when the minion starts up if startup_states is 'sls'
# - edit.vim
# - hyper
{{ get_config('sls_list', '[]') }}
# top file to execute if startup_states is 'top'
{{ get_config('', "''") }}
##### File Directory Settings #####
# The Salt Minion can redirect all file server operations to a local directory,
# this allows for the same state tree that is on the master to be used if
# copied completely onto the minion. This is a literal copy of the settings on
# the master but used to reference a local directory on the minion.
# Set the file client, the client defaults to looking on the master server for
# files, but can be directed to look at the local file directory setting
# defined below by setting it to local.
{{ get_config('file_client', 'remote') }}
# The file directory works on environments passed to the minion, each environment
# can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file
# roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be
# reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
# Example:
# file_roots:
# base:
# - /srv/salt/
# dev:
# - /srv/salt/dev/services
# - /srv/salt/dev/states
# prod:
# - /srv/salt/prod/services
# - /srv/salt/prod/states
# Default:
{% if 'file_roots' in minion -%}
{% for name, roots in minion['file_roots'].items() -%}
{{ name }}:
{% for dir in roots -%}
- {{ dir }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% elif 'file_roots' in salt -%}
{% for name, roots in salt['file_roots'].items() -%}
{{ name }}:
{% for dir in roots -%}
- {{ dir }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
# base:
# - /srv/salt
{%- endif %}
# The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file in
# the minion directory, the default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384
# and sha512 are also supported.
{{ get_config('hash_type', 'md5') }}
# The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If
# this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to
# also be configured on the minion:
{% if 'pillar_roots' in minion -%}
{% for name, roots in minion['pillar_roots'].items() -%}
{{ name }}:
{% for dir in roots -%}
- {{ dir }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% elif 'pillar_roots' in salt -%}
{% for name, roots in salt['pillar_roots'].items() -%}
{{ name }}:
{% for dir in roots -%}
- {{ dir }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% else %}
# base:
# - /srv/pillar
{%- endif %}
###### Security settings #####
# Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off
# authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for
# the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode
# you do so at your own risk!
{{ get_config('open_mode', 'False') }}
# Enable permissive access to the salt keys. This allows you to run the
# master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to
# your pki_dir. To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group
# you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure.
{{ get_config('permissive_pki_access', 'False') }}
# The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way
# state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed.
# The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False
# all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed.
{{ get_config('state_verbose', 'True') }}
# The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line
# output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse'
# the output will be shortened to a single line.
{{ get_config('state_output', 'full') }}
# Fingerprint of the master public key to double verify the master is valid,
# the master fingerprint can be found by running "salt-key -F master" on the
# salt master.
{{ get_config('master_finger', "''") }}
###### Thread settings #####
# Disable multiprocessing support, by default when a minion receives a
# publication a new process is spawned and the command is executed therein.
{{ get_config('multiprocessing', 'True') }}
##### Logging settings #####
# The location of the minion log file
# The minion log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network
# location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.:
# ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI
# format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>
#log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
#log_file: file:///dev/log
#log_file: udp://loghost:10514
{{ get_config('log_file', '/var/log/salt/minion') }}
{{ get_config('key_logfile', ' /var/log/salt/key') }}
# The level of messages to send to the console.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# Default: 'warning'
{{ get_config('log_level', 'warning') }}
# The level of messages to send to the log file.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# Default: 'warning'
{{ get_config('log_level_logfile', 'warning') }}
# The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formating
# can be seen here: http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
{{ get_config('log_datefmt', "'%H:%M:%S'") }}
{{ get_config('log_datefmt_logfile', "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'") }}
# The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can
# be seen here: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes
{{ get_config('log_fmt_console', "'[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'") }}
{{ get_config('log_fmt_logfile', "'%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'") }}
# This can be used to control logging levels more specificically. This
# example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets
# 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level:
# log_granular_levels:
# 'salt': 'warning',
# 'salt.modules': 'debug'
{{ get_config('log_granular_levels', '{}') }}
###### Module configuration #####
# Salt allows for modules to be passed arbitrary configuration data, any data
# passed here in valid yaml format will be passed on to the salt minion modules
# for use. It is STRONGLY recommended that a naming convention be used in which
# the module name is followed by a . and then the value. Also, all top level
# data must be applied via the yaml dict construct, some examples:
# You can specify that all modules should run in test mode:
#test: True
# A simple value for the test module:
#test.foo: foo
# A list for the test module:
#test.bar: [baz,quo]
# A dict for the test module:
#test.baz: {spam: sausage, cheese: bread}
###### Update settings ######
# Using the features in Esky, a salt minion can both run as a frozen app and
# be updated on the fly. These options control how the update process
# (saltutil.update()) behaves.
# The url for finding and downloading updates. Disabled by default.
{{ get_config('update_url', 'False') }}
# The list of services to restart after a successful update. Empty by default.
{{ get_config('update_restart_services', '[]') }}
###### Keepalive settings ######
# ZeroMQ now includes support for configuring SO_KEEPALIVE if supported by
# the OS. If connections between the minion and the master pass through
# a state tracking device such as a firewall or VPN gateway, there is
# the risk that it could tear down the connection the master and minion
# without informing either party that their connection has been taken away.
# Enabling TCP Keepalives prevents this from happening.
# Overall state of TCP Keepalives, enable (1 or True), disable (0 or False)
# or leave to the OS defaults (-1), on Linux, typically disabled. Default True, enabled.
{{ get_config('tcp_keepalive', 'True') }}
# How long before the first keepalive should be sent in seconds. Default 300
# to send the first keepalive after 5 minutes, OS default (-1) is typically 7200 seconds
# on Linux see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time.
{{ get_config('tcp_keepalive_idle', '300') }}
# How many lost probes are needed to consider the connection lost. Default -1
# to use OS defaults, typically 9 on Linux, see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes.
{{ get_config('tcp_keepalive_cnt', '-1') }}
# How often, in seconds, to send keepalives after the first one. Default -1 to
# use OS defaults, typically 75 seconds on Linux, see
# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl.
{{ get_config('tcp_keepalive_intvl', '-1') }}
###### Windows Software settings ######
# Location of the repository cache file on the master
{{ get_config('win_repo_cachefile', 'salt://win/repo/winrepo.p') }}