chore(release): 0.6.3 [skip ci]
## [0.6.3]( (2020-12-16)
### Bug Fixes
* **release.config.js:** use full commit hash in commit link [skip ci] ([2099574 ](20995746db ))
### Continuous Integration
* **gemfile:** restrict `train` gem version until upstream fix [skip ci] ([5671b69 ](5671b6995e ))
* **gemfile.lock:** add to repo with updated `Gemfile` [skip ci] ([cf7e8f1 ](cf7e8f1528 ))
* **gitlab-ci:** use GitLab CI as Travis CI replacement ([1ad61e6 ](1ad61e6736 ))
* **kitchen:** avoid using bootstrap for `master` instances [skip ci] ([62455ed ](62455ed3b5 ))
* **kitchen:** use `debian-10-master-py3` instead of `develop` [skip ci] ([dd28ef7 ](dd28ef7d51 ))
* **kitchen:** use `develop` image until `master` is ready (`amazonlinux`) [skip ci] ([fba7752 ](fba7752311 ))
* **kitchen:** use `saltimages` Docker Hub where available [skip ci] ([d352001 ](d3520014ff ))
* **kitchen+travis:** remove `master-py2-arch-base-latest` [skip ci] ([e37c3c9 ](e37c3c9c8c ))
* **kitchen+travis:** upgrade matrix after `2019.2.2` release [skip ci] ([017ac0b ](017ac0b76f ))
* **pre-commit:** add to formula [skip ci] ([f76d8ba ](f76d8ba57d ))
* **pre-commit:** enable/disable `rstcheck` as relevant [skip ci] ([2dac756 ](2dac7562b5 ))
* **pre-commit:** finalise `rstcheck` configuration [skip ci] ([ba59cf8 ](ba59cf8b3c ))
* **travis:** add notifications => zulip [skip ci] ([c47c82b ](c47c82be74 ))
* **travis:** apply changes from build config validation [skip ci] ([212a480 ](212a480d6c ))
* **travis:** opt-in to `dpl v2` to complete build config validation [skip ci] ([a3fe460 ](a3fe460fb9 ))
* **travis:** quote pathspecs used with `git ls-files` [skip ci] ([d36ef2b ](d36ef2bacd ))
* **travis:** run `shellcheck` during lint job [skip ci] ([5f2b8d2 ](5f2b8d2714 ))
* **workflows/commitlint:** add to repo [skip ci] ([c821d14 ](c821d1440e ))
* workaround issues with newly introduced `amazonlinux-1` [skip ci] ([1ba6ba5 ](1ba6ba5439 ))
* **travis:** update `salt-lint` config for `v0.0.10` [skip ci] ([7dd544a ](7dd544a764 ))
* **travis:** use `major.minor` for `semantic-release` version [skip ci] ([8cdbf5f ](8cdbf5f257 ))
* **travis:** use build config validation (beta) [skip ci] ([eb85483 ](eb854836d7 ))
### Documentation
* **contributing:** remove to use org-level file instead [skip ci] ([5f1562f ](5f1562fd57 ))
* **readme:** update link to `CONTRIBUTING` [skip ci] ([510899f ](510899f858 ))
### Performance Improvements
* **travis:** improve `salt-lint` invocation [skip ci] ([07511af ](07511afe0a ))
2020-12-16 06:54:02 +00:00 |
chore(release): 0.6.2 [skip ci]
## [0.6.2]( (2019-10-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **rubocop:** add fixes using `rubocop --safe-auto-correct` ([](
### Continuous Integration
* merge travis matrix, add `salt-lint` & `rubocop` to `lint` job ([](
* **travis:** merge `rubocop` linter into main `lint` job ([](
2019-10-12 00:18:55 +00:00 |
chore(release): 0.6.1 [skip ci]
## [0.6.1]( (2019-10-10)
### Bug Fixes
* **map.jinja:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](
* **package.sls:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](
* **param.sls:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](
### Continuous Integration
* **kitchen:** change `log_level` to `debug` instead of `info` ([](
* **kitchen:** install required packages to bootstrapped `opensuse` [skip ci] ([](
* **kitchen:** use bootstrapped `opensuse` images until `2019.2.2` [skip ci] ([](
* **platform:** add `arch-base-latest` ([](
* **yamllint:** add rule `empty-values` & use new `yaml-files` setting ([](
* merge travis matrix, add `salt-lint` & `rubocop` to `lint` job ([](
* use `dist: bionic` & apply `opensuse-leap-15` SCP error workaround ([](
2019-10-10 04:31:05 +00:00 |
chore(release): 0.6.0 [skip ci]
# [0.6.0]( (2019-08-28)
### Continuous Integration
* **kitchen:** add Kitchen tests ([a4e6a66 ](
* **travis:** disable tests on CentOS-6 for now (the fix is to come) ([198d1b0 ](
### Features
* **semantic-release:** add semantic-release ([270d23e ](
2019-08-28 01:19:03 +00:00 |