===== users ===== Formula to configure users via pillar. .. note:: See the full `Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions <http://docs.saltstack.com/topics/development/conventions/formulas.html>`_. Available states ================ .. contents:: :local: ``users`` --------- Configures a user's home directory, group, the user itself, secondary groups, and associated keys. Also configures sudo access, and absent users. ``users.sudo`` -------------- Ensures the sudo group exists, the sudo package is installed and the sudo file is configured. ``users.bashrc`` ---------------- Ensures the bashrc file exists in the users home directory. Sets 'manage_bashrc: True' in pillar per user. Defaults to False. ``users.profile`` ---------------- Ensures the profile file exists in the users home directory. Sets 'manage_profile: True' in pillar per user. Defaults to False. ``users.vimrc`` --------------- Ensures the vimrc file exists in the users home directory. Sets 'manage_vimrc: True' in pillar per user. Defaults to False. This depends on the vim-formula to be installed. ``users.user_files`` --------------- Permits the abitrary management of files. See pillar.example for configuration details.